Why Should Children Attend Summer Camp?

Why Should Children Attend Summer Camp

Summer Camp- the highlight of children’s summers for decades now. But what’s stopping you from sending your son or daughter to summer camp? Summer camp offers a safe and fun place for children to have the best summer of their lives, so why isn’t your child signed up yet?! Making the decision to send your son or daughter to a summer camp can be really hard. You probably have a lot of fears and stress towards it. However, here at Camp Kinder Ring, we are here to put these fears to rest and let you know why your child should attend a summer camp near CT, like us, next summer!

To be honest, sending your son or daughter to summer camp is one of the best decisions you could make for them. Summer camp gives children a fresh start, and opportunity to truly be themselves in a safe and supportive community. Here at Camp Kinder Ring, we have created a warm and caring environment where everyone is welcome. Children will leave our camp with a sense of accomplishment, increased self-esteem, and interpersonal skills that will remain with them even after they leave at the end of the summer. The benefits of summer camp are endless. Children will learn something new every day, stay active all summer, and make new friends and memories to last a lifetime. Children will get to choose from a wide variety of summer camp activities to take part in and learn new skills every single day. We create an age-appropriate schedule of weekly activities and events to excite our campers. These activities include various sports, adventures, cultural arts, performing arts, arts and crafts, water activities, trips, and special events! Every day at Camp Kinder Ring is a new and fun experience. Also, children stay active at summer camp. It is easy for children to stay active during the school year, with all of the sports, play groups, after school activities, etc. But during the summer, it can be hard for children to stay mentally and physically active. At summer camp, it is a guarantee that children will be moving and thinking all summer long, how great is that?! And remember, these are just a few reasons why you should send your son or daughter to summer camp and there are plenty more!

If you’re interested in sending your son or daughter to the best summer camp near CT, then call Camp Kinder Ring today! Contact us at (845)-221-2771 for more information or to schedule a tour of our campgrounds today.