Ways to Cope With Homesickness at Summer Camp near Pennsylvania
As a first year camper at Camp Kinder Ring, or maybe even returning camper, many children will have to face the difficulties of homesickness. Being homesick is not abnormal, nor is it incurable. In fact, according to author and psychologist Michael Thompson, 97 percent of children experience at least some occasional homesick feelings at camp. So, with this statistic in mind, it is important to understand how to handle your child’s homesickness, and the best ways to help them move forward and enjoy their experience at our summer camp near Pennsylvania.
Most importantly, try to prevent homesickness at summer camp in general. The best way to go about doing so is to set up a support network for campers before the summer begins. Introduce your child to old campers or workers that you can rely on and trust. These people will help them to feel a connection with someone within their camp community and will eliminate the “I need Mommy” feelings. Also, try to send a lot of letters and care packages. Kinder Ring campers are constantly receiving tons of mail, and love the thrill of getting packages! Do not over do it by sending one every day, for this will get your camper overly attached to you and constantly expecting one. Send just enough letters and packages so that your child feels your support and is connected to you in a happy way. Remember also that constant updates on the events occurring at home may leave them feeling left out. Try to ask a lot about what fun they are having. Next, use the Camp Kinder Ring website (campkr.com) to your advantage. Print pictures that your child is in and enclose them in the letters. Kinder Ring offers an easy and fast way to do so: through your bunk 1 account! These notes will remind them of the good times they are having when they are not missing home. You can also remind them of this by distracting them from the homesickness. Every time they bring up negative thoughts on camp, remind them of a reason to love it, like all of the cool summer camp activities they get to participate in. Only discussing the fun times will help them to realize all they could be participating in while they are spending time missing home. “Camp is like life,” said one camper on an open forum, “The more you get involved, the more lessons you’ll take out of it.”
Handling homesickness in is a battle every parent will have to face whether it is at summer camp now, or college later down the road. By setting your child up for success and ensuring constant engagement in fun activities, you can prevent and eliminate their desires to come home, and kick off their amazing summers! Do not forget to be understanding, but more importantly, show them how wrong they truly are. And with the help of you and our amazing summer camp staff, we can make Camp Kinder Ring your child’s home away from home!
If you’re looking for the best summer camp near Pennsylvania for your son or daughter next summer, then sign them up for Camp Kinder Ring! Call us at (845)-221-2771 for more information or to schedule an upcoming tour of the campgrounds today!
(Originally created September 25, 2013. Updated October 27, 2015.)