Tips for Choosing a Jewish Traditional Sleepaway Camp

For families all over the U.S, finding the perfect Jewish summer camp can be a stressful and time-consuming process. Where should you send your child? How far away from home is it? Do they offer anything that my child even likes? But here at Camp Kinder Ring, we are here to help you find the perfect Jewish traditional sleepaway camp for your children. Keep on reading for some tips on choosing the right camp for your son or daughter next summer!

  • Distance- When looking at Jewish summer camps, a lot of families find the perfect camp and then cross it off the lists because it’s too far. But you shouldn’t judge a camp just on its location. If you feel that the Jewish summer camp is right for your son or daughter, then go and visit. Take a tour of the Jewish summer camp facilities and campgrounds. It’s not like your son or daughter will have to travel back and forth to go home often, so distance shouldn’t necessarily play a key factor in your search.
  • Interests- One of the best ways to ensure that your son or daughter has a good time is by choosing a camp that offers activities he or she is interested in. There is a wide variety of Jewish summer camp activities for children to choose from at Camp Kinder Ring, and guaranteed to be something that they enjoy.
  • Price- Some of your options may seem out of reach due to their high price. But the earlier that you find the camp you are interested in, the more likely you are to qualify for discounts on the Jewish summer camp rates. There are often early bird, sibling, and referral discounts, so make sure to contact the camp and ask!

If you’re looking for the best Jewish traditional sleepaway camp, look no further than Camp Kinder Ring. Call us today at (845)-221-2771 for more information or to schedule a tour of our campgrounds!