The Importance of Visiting a Summer Camp

If you were looking for the perfect college, you wouldn’t choose one just by looking at pictures online. Visiting it would give you an opportunity to explore the layout of the campus, how it feels like to be there, and the types of students you would have classes with. So when searching for the perfect summer camp, wouldn’t you do the same? At Camp Kinder Ring, we believe that the best way to ensure that you find the perfect summer camp near Vermont is by visiting it and getting a tour. Before selecting a camp to send your son or daughter to, it is important to look out for the following things:

  1. Atmosphere – Do you and your child feel welcome and comfortable when you walk on to the campgrounds? At Camp Kinder Ring, we have created a safe and supportive environment where all campers can feel comfortable and welcome. First impressions are key, and how you feel when you first step foot on the campgrounds usually makes or breaks the summer camp for you.
  2. Campgrounds – Speaking of the campgrounds, explore the summer camp facilities. Ensure that they are being kept up to date and monitored. At Camp Kinder Ring, we are constantly improving and expanding our facilities to ensure that they are safe and ready for our campers to have a great time. When visiting a summer camp, see as many of the facilities as possible and make sure that you are comfortable with how they are set up and built.
  3. People – When we say people, we mean the summer camp staff as well as fellow campers. Find out how the counselors and staff are hired. Are background checks performed? What kind of training do they go through? Try and visit the summer camp during a camp day to see how the campers interact with one another. If you notice that they children aren’t getting along, or the staff isn’t supervising to the best of their ability, this may be a sign to move on to the next summer camp.

Once you have visited the summer camp and taken all of these things into consideration, you should be able to pick the right summer camp for your son or daughter. The summer camp that both you and your child enjoyed the most and felt the most comfortable at may be hard to come across, but you will know when it happens. If you’re looking for the best summer camp near Vermont, than come and visit Camp Kinder Ring today! Call us at (845)-221-2771 for more information or to schedule your tour now.