Summer Camp Creates LEADERS

Summer Camp Creates Leaders.

Most kids do not even realize it, but their experience at summer camp teaches them valuable leadership skills. Many camps, like Camp Kinder Ring, have group activities that require effort from everyone, not just a single person. But sometimes, it takes one person to bring an entire group of people to success.

Leadership is a quality that is missing in many of today’s youth, and a positive summer camp experience can teach children the important leadership skills they lack! Colleges today are looking for students who get involved in extra-curricular activities and go the extra mile with anything and everything. The same goes for the business world; but unfortunately, many of today’s children are not demonstrating the strong leadership skills that their future professors and employers will be looking for!

Summer camp gives children the chance to expand their horizons and test their abilities in a way while surrounded by their peers in a comforting and supportive environment. This helps campers build confidence – and a child with a healthy sense of self-esteem can take on a leadership role without fearing judgement or failure. Confident children make wonderful adult leaders, and at summer camp, children are able to interact with their peers and take on new challenges without being graded on their effort like they are in school!

Summer camp encourages trial and error, learning from experience, and forces children to step out of their comfort zone and interact with their peers – all of this breeds STRONG LEADERSHIP skills! Leadership is one of those things that is hard to develop in normally passive children, but with the right encouragement and determination, any child can become a LEADER!