Good Times at Summer Camp Near New Jersey

Summer camp encourages interpersonal growth in a way that few other experiences can. So aside from all the fun, there is more than good times to be had at summer camp near New Jersey.

At summer camp, kids are immediately removed from their comforts of home, and put into a whole new situation that forces them to think, problem solve, overcome, react and respond on their own. Often kids discover new strengths, interests and skills. They start to notice the world around them and begin to feel that they are a part of it.

At summer camp, your New Jersey child may be surrounded by new surroundings, new people and new circumstances. They will most likely participate in exciting summer camp activities they would never come across otherwise. They’ll start to notice qualities in themselves and in others and learn how to build on those, how to be encouraging and supportive, responsible and respectful.

Ultimately, children learn skills from being around and living with, a lot of other kids. They get to experience new challenges independently and also together. Where else is this possible to this extent and duration?

Finding a Summer camp that is the perfect fit for your child and family, can seem overwhelming and you might not know where to start. We recommend that you start with a call, and then visit to see for yourself if a summer camp is right for your child.

At Camp Kinder Ring, children are encouraged to be their best by our trained summer camp staff, who’ll notice their qualities and cheer them on. They’ll talk them through situations like home sickness or hurt feelings or help them to figure things out for themselves.

Schedule a tour to see what we’re all about. Discover all the benefits our boys camp has to offer and why kids come back year after year. Contact our summer camp near New Jersey, Camp Kinder Ring at 845-221-2771.