Getting Ready for Overnight Camp in New York

Summer camp is right around the corner which means packing for summer camp is even closer. The best way to ensure that your son or daughter will have a great summer is to send them to overnight camp in New York with everything they need packed up and ready to go. But how do you make sure that everything is going away to residential summer camp with them in New York? Check out these tips for some ideas on how to give your child the best overnight summer camp experience this year.

Make a list

Most camps will supply the camper and family with a list of what they believe is necessary to attend the camp. In addition, make sure to consider what your son or daughter needs or uses on a daily basis. This might include eyeglasses, medications, sunglasses, a reusable water bottle, etc. In reference to taking medication at summer camp, make sure you check the camp’s policy on how medications should be brought to and distributed at summer camp. There is often a system in place for the campers to receive their medication from the overnight camp’s nurse or doctor.

Packing Tips

  • Familiarize the child with what you are sending to camp with them. Possibly make a list so if they’re unsure if they brought something to summer camp, they can just check.
  • Find out how the camp handles money for trips and events. Some camps require the parent to put all the money on a debit card and send it to them a few weeks before camp begins to ensure your child won’t lose it.
  • See if your son or daughter needs equipment for a specific overnight camp activity.
  • Label everything! With every kid having similar items, labeling clothes and other items helps lost items get returned to your son or daughter.
  • Buy a shower caddy so that your child has every toiletry easily accessible and ready. Also consider shower shoes/flip flops.
  • If the camp allows your child to send mail, don’t forget the cards, stamps, and pens.
  • Pack reminders of home. Every camper experiences homesickness at some point but by bringing a stuffed animal, blanket, pictures, etc. your child will be able to power through it.
  • If the camp has a “no electronics” policy, make sure to honor it. Cell phones and other electronics are often not allowed at summer camps. These rules are in place for a reason and make sure your child honors that.
  • Pack plastic bags or a reusable waterproof bag for wet towels, bathing suits, etc. during trips or for carrying around during the day.

If you’re looking for the best overnight camp in New York, contact Camp Kinder Ring at (845)-221-2771 for more information or to schedule a tour.