Five Reasons to Send Your Child to Summer Camp

For those who were lucky enough to attend summer camp as a child, you know how amazing it is. You already know how beneficial it is to a child, how much they learn, grow and have endless fun. But if you’ve never gotten the chance to go to away to a summer camp, you probably think that camp is just a place to send your son or daughter all summer so they aren’t bored during that long break from school. But when you send your son or daughter to Camp Kinder Ring, they will get more out of the experience than just staying busy all summer. Keep on reading to learn a few reasons why to send your child to our coed summer camp near New Jersey next year!

  1. Being surrounded by constantly electronics and technology can take a toll of children. Summer camp allows children an opportunity to disconnect from the television, Internet, and their cellphones. And instead, they are given an opportunity to reconnect with the great outdoors. Our many outdoor summer camp facilities allow children to explore nature, unwind, and relax.
  2. Children gain life skills at summer camp. In order to prepare children for the future, they will learn to be responsible, independent, to work with others, and more. Even by spending just a few weeks at Camp Kinder Ring, children will grow and mature noticeably over the summer.
  3. Most of our campers will agree that the best part about coming to Camp Kinder Ring is all of the super cool summer camp activities that we have to offer. Your son or daughter will get a chance to choose from a variety of programs and find something that they truly love doing.
  4. Another great thing about going to summer camp is all of the friends that you make. Your son or daughter will come home at the end of the summer with a ton of new lifelong friends and memories that they made at Camp Kinder Ring.
  5. Keeping your son or daughter active over the summer break can be pretty hard. But when you send them to summer camp, they are guaranteed to stay moving and thinking all day, every day.

If you’re looking for the best coed summer camp near New Jersey for your son or daughter next summer, then look no further than Camp Kinder Ring! Call us at 845-221-2771 for more information or to schedule a tour today.