Benefits of Summer Camp in New York

Did you know that each year, over 11 million children and adults in the United States attend summer camp? But you might be wondering, why do so many kids attend summer camp and what makes it so popular? Well, attending summer camp offers tons of benefits for children. From gaining confidence to going on a new adventure everyday, children who attend summer camp gain things that they can’t get anywhere else. Camp Kinder Ring is a summer camp in New York that is a great choice for summer camp. Here are some of the benefits of summer camp:

  • Safe Environment- First and foremost, summer camp creates a safe and protective environment for children to feel free to be themselves and have fun. In addition, the summer camp staff and professionals always supervise them. This allows parents to feel comfortable sending their kids to summer camp everyday knowing they will be taken care of.
  • New Friends- By attending camp, children are destined to meet new friends. These new friends will often have the same interests and goals and may even become lifetime friends. The memories made at summer camp last a lifetime and making new friends at summer camp is one of the best advantages.
  • Gain Confidence- Summer camp offers a comfortable environment for children to try new things without a judgmental atmosphere. It is very common for kids to not want to try things due to risk of embarrassment, but at summer camp in New York, children are encouraged to push themselves to do whatever they put their minds to. By doing this, children gain confidence at summer camp and boost their self-esteem.
  • Spending Time Outside- In a time filled with technology, children will explore nature at summer camp and the world around them without cell phones and tablets. A summer camp in the Hudson Valley, like Camp Kinder Ring, is a perfect choice. It is a summer getaway located on Sylvan Lake.
  • New Adventures- Who doesn’t love a good adventure? Summer camp activities include various sports, arts & crafts, water activities, and adventure programs like high and low ropes courses, climbing walls, and zip lining. Different special events and trips are also offered!

You’ve heard some of the countless advantages of summer camp, so are you ready to try it out yourself? Contact Camp Kinder Ring at 845-221-2771 for the best summer camp in New York! Schedule a tour or get more information today!