Top Activities to Enjoy at a Jewish Sleepaway Camp

If you’re looking for a summer camp experience that will leave a lasting impression, try a Coed Summer Camp Hopewell Junction. These types of camps offer a variety of activities so there’s something for everyone. 

Some of the top activities to enjoy at a Jewish sleepaway camp Hopewell Junction include sleeping in cabins under the stars or hiking and biking trails.  If the camp has more amenities, you can enjoy swimming in lakes and rivers, and cooking over open fires. 



Athletics are an important part of any sleepaway camp experience. Besides providing a great way for children and teenagers to stay active, they also help teach teamwork and sportsmanship. Athletics activities also help campers socialize and make new friends. And, of course, athletics activities are fun to do with your peers!

Athletics activities camp kinder ring


Games like Flag Football, Basketball, Lacrosse, or Soccer are important for sleepaway camps. They promote teamwork, communication, and cooperation among campers. 

These games also teach children and teenagers how to work together to achieve a common goal. In addition, these types of team games helps campers develop problem-solving skills and learn how to think strategically. Finally, these games are simply fun and provide an opportunity for campers to let loose and enjoy themselves.


Racket Sports

Like invasion games, racket sports like tennis are important for sleepaway camps. Because they provide campers with a way to stay active and engaged while away from home. Racket sports also help campers socialize and make new friends, as they can be played in pairs or teams. 

Additionally, racket sports are used as a form of recreation or exercise, which are important for children and teenagers. Finally, racket sports can help campers develop hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.

Racket sports

Net and Wall Games

For one, Beach Volleyball, Newcomb, and Volleyball help campers stay active and fit. They also promote teamwork and social skills, as campers must work together to play the game. In addition, net and wall games are a great way to bond with other campers and make new friends. 

These games also provide an opportunity for campers to develop their skills and improve their techniques. For example, Beach Volleyball can help campers learn how to better control their bodies and hit the ball more accurately. 

Similarly, playing Newcomb can help campers improve their hand-eye coordination. Ultimately, by playing these types of games, campers can become better athletes overall.



A sleepaway camp is a great place for campers to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It is also the best place to have some fun and experience life’s great adventures during their youth. One of the best things about sleepaway camp is that there are typically lots of adventure activities for campers to enjoy. 

They include archery, fitness training, high and low rope courses, mountain biking, overnight camping, rock wall climbing, and zip lining. These are all great examples of adventure activities that can be enjoyed at a sleepaway camp. These activities not only provide campers with some much-needed exercise, but also teach important skills like teamwork, problem-solving, and communication. 

Most importantly, though, adventure activities are just plain fun! They give campers a chance to let loose and have a great time with their friends. So, if you’re looking for a summer camp that your child will love, be sure to look for one that offers plenty of adventure activities like Camp Kinder Ring.


Special Camp Traditions

“Shtiller Ovnt” is a special camp tradition in Camp Kinder Ring that is held every Friday evening. This is when campers are all dressed in white, and they commune at the flagpole. The tradition of Shtiller Ovnt is important for several reasons. 

First, it helps to preserve the rich Jewish traditions that are so essential to the camp experience. Second, it provides a time for campers to come together and celebrate their faith and heritage. And finally, it gives campers a chance to relax and enjoy themselves after a busy week of camping activities.


Barbecue Nights

For two dinners each week, we all gather at the KR BBQ area for a camp favorite BBQ meal.  This is a perfect opportunity to catch up with friends and share stories from the day.

Barbecue Nights are an important part of the experience at Sleepaway camp. They provide a time for the campers to relax and enjoy some delicious food. The Kinder Ring BBQs are held twice every week. The campers look forward to these nights all week long! 



If you’re looking for a summer adventure that will let your kids meet new friends, then explore Camp Kinder Ring. It is a Jewish sleepaway camp that is perfect for your child. In this camp, they’ll have plenty of opportunities to enjoy top activities like swimming in the lake, hiking, and playing in our designated sports area. 



Book a Slot for Your Child at Camp Kinder Ring Today!

Looking for a summer camp in Hopewell Junction that will provide a memorable experience for your child? Consider Camp Kinder Ring! Offering a variety of activities and programs designed specifically for children, this camp is the perfect place to spend your summer vacation.

Camp Kinder Ring is in Hopewell Junction, New York. The camp offers cutting-edge programs and activities that are tailored specifically for Jewish kids. Activities include arts and crafts, nature walks, adventure, athletics, musical performances, swimming, and much more. During the day, children can explore the camp while enjoying enriched programming at night.

If you’re looking for an unforgettable summer experience for your child, don’t hesitate to call 845-221-2771 and book a slot today at Camp Kinder Ring!