Traditional Summer Camps in New York

Summer camps are like ice cream. They come in an assortment of flavors, including traditional summer camps. Traditional summer camps in New York provide experiences that you can’t find at other camps. Let’s dive in, so you’ll see why a traditional camp is the way to go.

Traditional Summer Camps in New York Are Coed

While some sleepaway camps are gender-specific, that’s not the case with traditional summer camps. A coed camp will teach your kids how to interact in the real world. It will also expose them to different activities and experiences and teach them how to be comfortable with boys and girls. Plus, traditional camps are ideal for parents who have sons and daughters. You can send your kids to the same camp when you choose a traditional option. These are just some of the benefits that coed summer camps offer.

Traditional Camps Are Overnight

When you send your kids to one of the traditional summer camps in New York, they’ll stay overnight. Overnight camps provide more opportunities than day camps do. The extra time away teaches kids how to become independent, allows them to reinvent themselves, and gives them the chance to form deep connections. They can also learn some new skills and become more responsible. Sleepaway camp even gives parents and kids a much-needed break. The time apart can do the entire family some good.

Traditional Summer Camps in New York Focus on Traditions

Traditional summer camps in NY are known for having traditions. These traditions make camp life even more fun and exciting. Kids feel like they are part of something, and that makes camp even more special.

Send Your Kids to the Top Traditional Summer Camp

Camp Kinder Ring is a traditional summer camp in Hopewell Junction, New York. The coed summer camp offers an abundance of activities, has lots of traditions, and kids stay overnight. That means they will make some friends for life while becoming more independent. Call (845) 221-2771 to book a spot for your kids.

2021 Coed Summer Camps in New York

Now is the right time to enroll your kids in one of the 2021 coed summer camps in New York. However, you might be on the fence, unsure if a coed summer camp is the right choice. Coed summer camps provide benefits you can’t get with a boys’ or girls’ camp. Learn the benefits, and then enroll your kids in camp today.

2021 Coed Summer Camps in New York Offer Healthy Social Interactions

When your kids go to coed summer camp, they will interact with boys and girls. This healthy interaction improves social development. It also allows children to avoid stereotyping people of the opposite gender. Instead, they get to know the real person behind the gender. This lesson will help them as they grow older.

Improve Self-confidence

It’s not unusual for boys and girls to feel self-conscious when they’re around the opposite sex. This can hold them back in school and social situations. Fortunately, a coed summer camp helps kids gain self-confidence when they are around the opposite sex. The increased comfort will help them as they grow older, move away from home, and start their careers.

Understand How to Thrive in the Real World

The real world is coed, so sending your kids to a coed camp makes sense. When your kids attend one of the 2021 coed summer camps in New York, they’ll learn how to operate in the real world. They will understand how to build relationships that will help them have happy and healthy lives.

Access to Diverse Programming

Coed summer camps don’t attempt to define children by gender. They don’t build programming around gender. Instead, they give boys and girls access to countless camp activities. Sending your children to such a summer camp is the ideal way to ensure they get the most out of the experience.

Enroll Your Kids in Coed Summer Camp Today

Camp Kinder Ring is a coed summer camp located in Hopewell Junction, New York. This Jewish summer camp has been open since 1927 and provides a wealth of activities for girls and boys to enjoy. Make sure your kids have a summer to remember by enrolling them in camp today. Call (845) 221-2771 to reserve a spot for your campers. They’ll then have a blast at one of the top 2021 coed summer camps in New York.

2021 Summer Camps

Many families stayed at home during 2020, waiting for the pandemic to end. Fortunately, 2021 promises to be a much different year. Because of that, many people expect 2021 summer camps to fill up quickly. Book a spot early, so your child doesn’t miss out on the summer camp experience.

Are you still unsure if summer camp is right for your child? Find out why summer camp is essential.

Find and Develop Interests at One of the 2021 Summer Camps

Your child might participate in some after-school activities, but he or she likely doesn’t get the chance to explore lots of different interests. That’s where 2021 summer camps can help. Your child can fill his or her day with exciting camp activities. Your child can try archery, beach volleyball, rock climbing, and other activities that aren’t readily available in most settings. By trying different activities, your child will get to find new interests and then develop skills. Your son or daughter might even find a new passion at summer camp.

Develop New Friendships

Kids spent a lot of time in social isolation in 2020. You might be worried about where your child’s friendships stand. Fortunately, your son or daughter can make new friends and form strong bonds at one of the 2021 summer camps. This is especially true when you send your child to a Jewish summer camp. It’s easy to form strong bonds when learning about Jewish values and cultural heritage.

Help Your Child Become Strong and Independent

While friendships are important, you also want your child to become strong and independent. That’s one of the goals of the various 2021 summer camps. Kids are taught how to make good decisions, even when they are away from their parents. They also learn how to challenge themselves, which adds to their strength and independence.

Reserve a Spot at Summer Camp

Camp Kinder Ring is located in Hopewell Junction, New York, and has been serving the community since 1927. The Jewish summer camp is full of activities for kids and helps them learn about their Jewish cultural heritage and values. Help your child have the summer of a lifetime by enrolling him or her at Camp Kinder Ring. Call 845-221-2771 to reserve a spot.

Summer Camp Activities

Are you worried that your kids are going to spend all summer lounging on the sofa and texting? Your kids can get some fresh air and sunshine at a summer camp. They will make lots of friends and enjoy an assortment of summer camp activities. Check out the most popular activities your kids can participate in when they attend a Dutchess County summer camp.

Athletic Summer Camp Activities

Athletics are among the most popular of the summer camp activities. When your kids go camping, they can engage in baseball, softball, basketball, flag football, and more. They can even play ping-pong or test their skills at gymnastics. This is a great way for your kids to learn a new sport or fine-tune their skills in one they already love.

Adventurous Activities

Do your kids have a sense of adventure? If so, they will love adventurous camp activities such as archery, rock wall climbing, zip-lining, and overnight camping. They will get their fill of adventure and bond with other campers.

Water Activities

It’s always fun to get in the water when staying at a residential overnight summer camp in NY. Your kids can fill their days with water activities, such as canoeing, swimming, kayaking, sailing, and stand-up paddleboarding. They can even play water basketball.

Creative Activities

Your kids can even get creative at a summer camp. If your kids have the creative gene, they can enjoy activities like cooking, dancing, photography, and ceramics. Woodworking is also popular, and then there’s the talent show. Kids love showing off their talents at camp, so the talent show is always a hit.

Book Your Kids a Spot at Camp

Your children can enjoy these summer camp activities and more at Camp Kinder Ring in  Hopewell Junction, New York. Kids can fill their days with fun activities, so they will never get bored.  Contact Camp Kinder Ring by calling (845) 221-2771 to find out about enrolling your kids in camp.

Best Coed Camps Near Me

If you have kids, then you know you’re always trying to keep them engaged and doing something worthwhile. After all, when they’re young, their minds are like sponges, and you want to find plenty to stimulate them and keep them busy. That’s why you might find yourself Googling for the “best coed camps near me.” But what should you be looking for in a camp? Here are some qualities you should be thinking about.

Lots of Opportunities to Learn

Of course, you want your kids to have fun when they’re at the “best coed camps near me.” But that doesn’t mean that you don’t want them to be learning plenty in the process too. Therefore, you should be looking into a camp that offers your children plenty of opportunities to learn new skills. That way, they’ll come back from their break with their brains still working at top speed. They’ll easily be able to take on their schoolwork.

Time to Make New Friends

When you think of the “best coed camps near me,” what usually comes to mind? If you’re like a lot of people, you’ll want it to be a place where your kids can make friends. Therefore, the camp programs you look into should offer plenty of opportunities for kids to have fun. Whether they’re spending time in the great outdoors or just doing crafts with their friends, this is an essential part of selecting a camp.

The Chance to Kick Back

Your kids work hard at school all year, so when you think about sending them to the “best coed camps near me,” you probably want to make sure they’re going someplace where they’re going to have a good time.

Stop Googling the “Best Coed Camps Near Me”

Stop your search for the “best coed camps near me,” and send your child to Camp Kinder Ring. If you want to get more information about what we offer, give us a call at (845) 221-2771. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Summer Camp in Hopewell Junction

What do you want your kids to be doing over the summer? Staying home and spending all day in front of the TV, or out in nature learning new skills and making friends they’ll remember forever? Well, if you’d rather they do the latter, you have to sign them up for summer camp in Hopewell Junction. It’s the perfect opportunity for them to do something worthwhile with their time when they’re not in school. But just what should you look for in a summer camp? Here’s what you should be on the lookout for.

The Chance to Learn

When your kids get out of the school for the summer, you probably don’t want them to just turn their brains off for a few months. It’s important that they continue to learn, even if that kind of learning doesn’t happen at a desk. Therefore, it’s a good idea to look for a summer camp in Hopewell Junction that offers your kids the chance to learn as much as possible. That way, your kids will be ready to go when the new school year rolls around.

An Opportunity to Make New Friends

It’s always important to make new friends, right? Well, that’s a huge benefit of sending your child to camp. It gives them the chance to make new friends outside of their normal school group. Take a look at the summer camp in Hopewell Junction you’re considering, and see if it offers lots of activities where your child could make new friends.

Plenty of Time to Have Fun

Surely, you’ll want your kids to learn a lot when they attend camp, but you also want to make sure they have fun. Pick a camp that looks like a blast if you want them to have the best time ever.

Are you ready to sign your child up for camp? Learn more about what we offer at Camp Kinder Ring by giving us a call at (845) 221-2771. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Best Sleepaway Camp for Kids in NY

What do you want your kids to be doing when they have a break from school? If you’re like most parents, you want them to continue learning – but you also want to make sure they have a good time. They are kids, after all. That’s precisely why you should look into sending them to the best sleepaway camp for kids in NY. There are so many benefits to attending camp, and you want your little one to take advantage of all of them. Here are a few you should think about.

Make New Friends

Making new friends is one of the most exciting aspects of going to the best sleepaway camp for kids in New York. Many times, children stay in touch with the friends they made at camp for years to come. Not only will it give them something to do now, but it will provide them with lasting memories they’ll hold onto their whole lives. Don’t your kids deserve that?

Learn Something New

Your kids never stop learning, and that’s why it’s vital to help them grow in their education. They can always learn something new when they go to the best sleepaway camp for kids in NY. Whether they get info on camping, making crafts, or how to get along with others, they will take these vital skills into the future in everything else they do.

Have a Great Time

Summer is all about having fun. And just because you want your kids to learn and do something productive doesn’t mean you think the break should be a total drag. That’s one more reason why sleepaway camp is something you should consider for your child. Where else are they going to have that kind of fun?

Send Your Child to the Best Sleepaway Camp for Kids in NY

Ready to sign your kid up for Camp Kinder Ring in Hopewell Junction, New York, today? Give us a call at (845) 221-2771, so we can give you more information on our programs.

Camp Activities for Kids of All Ages

You want your kids to have an amazing summer, don’t you? Of course, you do! They’ve been in school all year long, and now, it’s time for a break. But at the same time, you probably don’t want them just sitting at home all day staring at their screens. So, what’s a parent to do? One great idea is to find a summer camp that offers camp activities for kids of all ages. Your children will love getting away for a while, and they are sure to meet tons of friends when they’re at camp. Check out just some of what they might do while they’re there.

Rock Wall and Zip Lining

If your child needs to get over their fear of heights, then they should check out the rock wall and zip lining. This is one of those camp activities for kids of all ages that they just have to take advantage of. Don’t worry — there are professionals there who will make sure they stay safe the entire time.

Drama and Ceramics

It’s a good idea for children to learn how to express themselves creatively, as well. That’s why the arts classes are so much fun for the little ones. They’ll learn about drama, ceramics, and so much more. You may just find you have a little artist after they get back home.

Swimming and Canoeing

It’s going to be hot out there this summer, but kids will love cooling off in the water. From swimming to canoeing to everything in between, these are perfect camp activities for kids of all ages. Oh, and they’re going to be so excited when they see all of the incredible inflatable lake toys they get to play on at camp.

Take Advantage of These Camp Activities for Kids of All Ages

Your kids are going to have so much fun when they go to camp this summer. Enroll your kids at Camp Kinder Ring today if you want them to experience all of these activities and more. Contact us at (845) 221-2771 for more information.

Overnight Camp

Overnight camps near Connecticut offer a unique opportunity for kids to engage in exciting adventures, build lasting friendships, and develop essential life skills. If you’re looking for the perfect overnight camp experience for your child, look no further than Camp Kinder Ring. Situated in picturesque Hopewell Junction, New York, Camp Kinder Ring has been providing an unforgettable summer camp experience since 1927, attracting campers from Connecticut and various other states.


Benefits of Overnight Camps

Overnight camps offer a multitude of benefits that extend far beyond just having fun. They provide an environment where children can learn valuable lifelong skills while fostering independence and a break from electronic devices. At Camp Kinder Ring, campers are immersed in a supportive community that encourages personal growth and self-discovery.

One of the key advantages of overnight camp is the opportunity for children to develop essential social skills. Living alongside and collaborating with diverse groups of campers enables them to navigate relationships, embrace teamwork, and appreciate individual differences. These skills serve as a solid foundation for their future interactions and help shape them into well-rounded adults.

Furthermore, overnight camps promote resilience and a positive attitude towards failure. Campers at Camp Kinder Ring are taught that setbacks are not reasons to give up, but rather opportunities for growth and learning. By embracing challenges and persisting through adversity, children develop a mindset that fosters personal growth and the pursuit of new skills.


Why Choose Camp Kinder Ring?

Camp Kinder Ring stands out among overnight camps due to its rich history of nurturing children’s character development. Our camp’s core values revolve around kindness, empathy, and respect, which we believe are integral to building thriving communities. By instilling these values in our campers, we empower them to create positive change in the world, fostering a sense of responsibility towards their communities.

In addition to character development, Camp Kinder Ring also prioritizes preserving Jewish heritage. As a Jewish camp, we are dedicated to teaching our campers about their cultural roots, providing them with a space to celebrate their heritage. Through our thoughtfully designed programming, children are encouraged to explore and embrace their Jewish identity, both within the camp and in their wider communities.


Reserve a Spot for Your Camper

Are you ready to give your children an extraordinary summer experience? Enroll your kids in the finest overnight camp near Connecticut—Camp Kinder Ring. With a legacy spanning nearly a century, our camp offers an array of fun activities, opportunities for personal growth, and the chance to forge lifelong friendships. To secure a spot for your child at our Hopewell Junction, New York camp, simply call (845) 221-2771. Make this summer truly unforgettable for your kids by choosing Camp Kinder Ring.

Best Coed Summer Camp

Summer camp has many benefits. For example, it gets kids off their electronics and out into the sunshine with friends. Kids get to learn by participating in new and fun activities, and they make new friends. If you are looking into the best coed summer camp for your kids this summer, you probably already appreciate the benefits of coed camps.

Importance of Socialization

Boys and girls live in the world together. Schools and playgroups are often coed, and families are, as well. It makes sense that a summer camp reflects the realities of life outside of camp. Best of all, when kids spend time together, they learn to listen and become more empathetic with one another, which is vital for young kids to learn. Coed camps give kids a chance to relate in a healthy way. Plus, research shows that coed experiences and programs help kids feel comfortable and gives them the confidence to speak their opinions no matter who is around.

Best Coed Summer Camp for Families

When families begin to investigate where to send their sons and daughters to summer camp, they often want their kids to go to the same camp. Since 1927, Camp Kinder Ring’s focus has been to ensure not only that children have a fantastic summer experience but also that the campers’ Jewish identity is validated.

Camp Kinder Ring is a coed summer residential summer camp that encourages kids to have a lot of input about their daily schedule. Campers have opportunities to engage in sports, water activities, arts and crafts, and even performing arts. In this caring community, your children will flourish.

Reserve a Spot at Camp for Your Child

Do you want this to be the best summer for your kids? If your answer is “yes,” enroll them in the best coed summer camp. Camp Kinder Ring opened in 1927, and it has provided kids with the ultimate summer camp experience ever since. Your children will learn about their Jewish cultural heritage and values while enjoying countless fun activities. They will also make lifelong friends. Enroll your kids at our Hopewell Junction, New York, camp by calling (845) 221-2771.