The Price of Summer Camp near Pennsylvania

It’s already June, which means that summer camp begins this month! Sending kids to summer camp is one of the best decisions that a parent can make for a variety of reasons. From learning new skills and activities, to making new friends and gaining independence, the benefits of summer camp are endless. But one of the top concerns that parents have about summer camp is the price. While tuition may seem expensive, there is logic behind the price of summer camp near Pennsylvania.

The main reason for the price of summer camp is due to the facilities, activities, and staff. At summer camp, children will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of summer camp activities. At Camp Kinder Ring, we offer sports, adventures, water activities, cultural arts, performing arts, arts & crafts, as well as special events and trips. All of these programs happen on our summer camp facilities, which are kept up to date and constantly monitored by our staff. These programs often cost a lot due to equipment, updating our facilities, and hiring instructors who are skilled and trained in each individual activity. Another reason for the price of summer camp is the staff. Our diverse and talented summer camp staff group is one of the best. All of our staff goes through a one-week orientation program as well as training throughout the summer. We have a low camper to staff ratio that guarantees that children will have a safe and fun summer camp experience. By having a low ratio of campers to staff, training, and additional full time staff, it often increases to the price of summer camp. But don’t forget, these are the people that will be supervising your children all summer, so Camp Kinder Ring only hires the best! While some may think that summer camp rates & dates are too expensive, the benefits of summer campcompensate for the price. Children will have a fun and safe time at summer camp where they will learn new skills, gain confidence, become independent, and make friends and memories to last a lifetime.

If you’re looking for the best summer camp near Pennsylvania, contact Camp Kinder Ring at (845)-221-2771 for more information or to schedule a tour today!

Preparing for Summer Camp near Massachusetts

Summer 2015 is almost here which mean drop off day at Camp Kinder Ring is quickly approaching! We hope that our campers are getting more and more excited as they get ready for summer camp this year. But trust us, feelings of anxiety are completely common and can be eased. Follow these tips to reduce the stress and anxiety that comes along with preparing for summer camp near Massachusetts.

  1. Most of the time, packing for summer camp is the hardest part. We recommend that parents involve children in the packing process. See if the camp has any specific summer camp packing tips. Then, get your child to assist in packing. This will ensure that your child knows what is packed and reduces the risk of possessions getting lost.
  2. Tour the campgrounds. If you haven’t yet, tour the summer camp facilities to make your son or daughter more comfortable with their new environment. By walking around the summer camp, they will be introduced to their new surroundings and lose the fear of getting lost or not knowing where to go.
  3. Meet the staff. See if your son or daughter can meet with or speak with any of the summer camp staff. We take pride in our staff and only select the best counselors. These are the people who will teach, nurture, comfort, and guide our campers, and by meeting one of them, children will have a familiar face at camp when they arrive. Involve your child in decisions.
  4. At Camp Kinder Ring, campers will be given the opportunity to select summer camp activities that they would like to participate in each week. These activities range from athletics and adventures to performing arts and arts & crafts. By involving your child in the decision of what they will participate in, it will build excitement and give them something to look forward to once they get to camp.

Now, remember that summer camp is supposed to be a fun and exciting experience in a child’s life, not a stressful one! If you’re looking for the best summer camp near Massachusetts, contact Camp Kinder Ring at 845-221-2771 to schedule a tour or get more information today!

Benefits of Summer Camp in New York

Did you know that each year, over 11 million children and adults in the United States attend summer camp? But you might be wondering, why do so many kids attend summer camp and what makes it so popular? Well, attending summer camp offers tons of benefits for children. From gaining confidence to going on a new adventure everyday, children who attend summer camp gain things that they can’t get anywhere else. Camp Kinder Ring is a summer camp in New York that is a great choice for summer camp. Here are some of the benefits of summer camp:

  • Safe Environment- First and foremost, summer camp creates a safe and protective environment for children to feel free to be themselves and have fun. In addition, the summer camp staff and professionals always supervise them. This allows parents to feel comfortable sending their kids to summer camp everyday knowing they will be taken care of.
  • New Friends- By attending camp, children are destined to meet new friends. These new friends will often have the same interests and goals and may even become lifetime friends. The memories made at summer camp last a lifetime and making new friends at summer camp is one of the best advantages.
  • Gain Confidence- Summer camp offers a comfortable environment for children to try new things without a judgmental atmosphere. It is very common for kids to not want to try things due to risk of embarrassment, but at summer camp in New York, children are encouraged to push themselves to do whatever they put their minds to. By doing this, children gain confidence at summer camp and boost their self-esteem.
  • Spending Time Outside- In a time filled with technology, children will explore nature at summer camp and the world around them without cell phones and tablets. A summer camp in the Hudson Valley, like Camp Kinder Ring, is a perfect choice. It is a summer getaway located on Sylvan Lake.
  • New Adventures- Who doesn’t love a good adventure? Summer camp activities include various sports, arts & crafts, water activities, and adventure programs like high and low ropes courses, climbing walls, and zip lining. Different special events and trips are also offered!

You’ve heard some of the countless advantages of summer camp, so are you ready to try it out yourself? Contact Camp Kinder Ring at 845-221-2771 for the best summer camp in New York! Schedule a tour or get more information today!

Good Times at Summer Camp Near New Jersey

Summer camp encourages interpersonal growth in a way that few other experiences can. So aside from all the fun, there is more than good times to be had at summer camp near New Jersey.

At summer camp, kids are immediately removed from their comforts of home, and put into a whole new situation that forces them to think, problem solve, overcome, react and respond on their own. Often kids discover new strengths, interests and skills. They start to notice the world around them and begin to feel that they are a part of it.

At summer camp, your New Jersey child may be surrounded by new surroundings, new people and new circumstances. They will most likely participate in exciting summer camp activities they would never come across otherwise. They’ll start to notice qualities in themselves and in others and learn how to build on those, how to be encouraging and supportive, responsible and respectful.

Ultimately, children learn skills from being around and living with, a lot of other kids. They get to experience new challenges independently and also together. Where else is this possible to this extent and duration?

Finding a Summer camp that is the perfect fit for your child and family, can seem overwhelming and you might not know where to start. We recommend that you start with a call, and then visit to see for yourself if a summer camp is right for your child.

At Camp Kinder Ring, children are encouraged to be their best by our trained summer camp staff, who’ll notice their qualities and cheer them on. They’ll talk them through situations like home sickness or hurt feelings or help them to figure things out for themselves.

Schedule a tour to see what we’re all about. Discover all the benefits our boys camp has to offer and why kids come back year after year. Contact our summer camp near New Jersey, Camp Kinder Ring at 845-221-2771.

Opportunities For Kids At Summer Camp

For most kids, an experience at summer camp is not only fun, but teaches valuable leadership skills and offers opportunities not found anywhere else. Many camps, like Camp Kinder Ring, have group activities for kids that require effort from everyone. Kids at summer camp learn that it can take one person to bring an entire group of people to success.

Leadership is a quality that is missing in many of today’s youth, and a positive summer camp experience can teach children the important leadership skills they lack! Colleges today are looking for students who get involved in extra-curricular activities and go the extra mile with anything and everything. The same goes for the business world; but unfortunately, many of today’s children are not demonstrating the strong leadership skills that their future professors and employers will be looking for!

Our summer camp program gives children the chance to test their abilities while surrounded by their peers in a comforting and supportive environment. This helps campers build confidence – and a child with a healthy sense of self-esteem can take on a leadership role without fearing judgement or failure. Confident children make wonderful adult leaders, and at summer camp, children are able to interact with their peers and take on new challenges without being graded on their effort like they are in school!

Summer camp encourages trial and error, learning from experience, and forces children to step out of their comfort zone and interact with their peers – all of this breeds STRONG LEADERSHIP skills! Leadership is one of those things that is hard to develop in normally passive children, but with the right encouragement and determination, any child can become a LEADER!

If you are searching for a summer camp near Westchester County, NY, then Camp Kinder Ring is a great choice and one worth a look.

Camp Kinder Ring overnight summer camp for kids ages 7-16 is located minutes from Westchester County, NY and offers athletics, performing arts and Jewish cultural identity.

Camp Kinder Ring in Hopewell Junction, NY has 3, 4 or 7 week sessions. To find out more about this camp contact us at (845)221-2771 and schedule a tour.

Making Life Long Friends at Summer Camp in NY

Many life long friends are friends made at summer camp. The summer camp experience is often one of the best things that happens in a child’s life. The unique opportunity to compete or rally together with other kids their age to win, to learn, but mostly, and for every kid, to have fun and make friends! Kids have a chance to bond, sharing experiences side by side, day by day. There is really no other experience a child will have that can compare to a summer spent at camp. It can transform a shy child into a confident one, and usually does. Often, it is the first time of having to answer for themselves and break the everyday routine they have at home. Fond memories are created at a summer camp and cherished for a lifetime.

At Camp Kinder Ring, an overnight summer camp in Dutchess County, NY, we recognize how valuable it is for children to get the most out of their summer here. Our commitment to striving for a better world and our focus on progressive Jewish values contribute to the warm and caring environment we have created.

Contact us at 845-221-2771 if you’d like to find out more about our camp in New York. But most importantly, don’t let your child miss the opportunity to make friends for life. Send them to a camp that fits their needs the best. The right camp can help them make summer camp friends, into life long friends!

Outdoor Exercise to Get Ready for Summer

Outdoor Exercise for Fun and to Get Your Child Ready for Summer!

Finally, the warmer weather is here and the days are counting down until your child’s stay atCamp Kinder Ring Overnight Summer Camp in upstate NY begins! But don’t wait until then to think about getting into shape and building a strong and healthy body. The Center of Disease Control and Prevention suggests physical activity for an hour a day for kids 6-17. It’s time to go outside and get some of that fresh air and exercise! Pry the children off the couch and away from the phones, tablets, computers and TV’s! Join the fun and bond with your kids by taking walks or riding bikes together. Practicing a particular sport, doing yardwork together or just playing catch, safely and in moderation are fairly painless ways to have fun. All that exercise is great for your body, mind and heart. It’s also time well spent with your children.

Other ideas? You can create adventures in your yard, nearby parks or towns navigating or exploring things you’ve never taken notice of before. There are local maps or books on birds, other wildlife or history to investigate for added fun. Be an example and get them excited about being outdoors. Most likely, they will need your inspiration to go out and play. That’s what the staff at Camp Kinder Ring summer camp are trained to do, but you can reap the rewards by prepping your kids and getting them excited for the summer. If you need any more ideas, take a look at some of ouractivities and see if there is one your child would especially like to focus on.

Make it a priority to set some time aside in your busy week – so you can be active with your children outdoors! As the days get longer take advantage of the sunshine and the benefits that come with spending the time exercising and having great fun with your children!

Summer Camp Creates LEADERS

Summer Camp Creates Leaders.

Most kids do not even realize it, but their experience at summer camp teaches them valuable leadership skills. Many camps, like Camp Kinder Ring, have group activities that require effort from everyone, not just a single person. But sometimes, it takes one person to bring an entire group of people to success.

Leadership is a quality that is missing in many of today’s youth, and a positive summer camp experience can teach children the important leadership skills they lack! Colleges today are looking for students who get involved in extra-curricular activities and go the extra mile with anything and everything. The same goes for the business world; but unfortunately, many of today’s children are not demonstrating the strong leadership skills that their future professors and employers will be looking for!

Summer camp gives children the chance to expand their horizons and test their abilities in a way while surrounded by their peers in a comforting and supportive environment. This helps campers build confidence – and a child with a healthy sense of self-esteem can take on a leadership role without fearing judgement or failure. Confident children make wonderful adult leaders, and at summer camp, children are able to interact with their peers and take on new challenges without being graded on their effort like they are in school!

Summer camp encourages trial and error, learning from experience, and forces children to step out of their comfort zone and interact with their peers – all of this breeds STRONG LEADERSHIP skills! Leadership is one of those things that is hard to develop in normally passive children, but with the right encouragement and determination, any child can become a LEADER!

Camp Kindering | Perfect Jewish Sleepaway Camp for You

Summer 2013 has officially come to a close, and now it’s time to put our focus on the 2014 season! While we get your summer paradise up and ready for the coming season, you might want to begin thinking about if Camp Kinder Ring of Hopwell Junction NY is right for you.

Kinder Ring is the perfect combination of everything we love about summer. Caring campers, gorgeous grounds, and awesome activities are just a few things you can expect to see when you enter through our gates. With a wide range of sports such as gaga, volleyball, dance, and soccer, there is never a dull moment in CKR. We also offer activities that are not centered on athletics such as arts and crafts, cooking, and our ropes course/ adventure center. Of course, we can’t forget about the waterfront! We offer many lake front activities on our own Sylvan Lake, in addition to the pool. Believe it or not, these are just a sneak peak at the fun to be had!

All of these activities are just the beginning. Kinder Ring offers something much deeper than just fun in the sun. Our Jewish Culture program teaches campers important Jewish stories while integrating fun yiddish songs and israeli dances. Campers will learn the basic values that guide our religion, and will come away from the summer more in tune with their culture. Every Friday night we celebrate “Shtiller” by gathering around the flagpole for discussion and song in our whites, and eating a traditional Shabbas meal in the dining room. These moments bring our campers together with a feeling of Jewish Community, and help them to understand how Jewish traditions can be a fun part of the week.

Kinder Ring, a sleepaway camp in Dutchess County, NY, is the perfect combination of activities, friendship, and Jewish spirit. Look no further than CKR for the best option for your coming summer!

Opportunities For Your Child At Summer Camp

If you’re thinking of summer camp for your child then then you should feel confident that spending the summer in camp will be a great thing. There are so many benefits that wait. Mostly, there are so many opportunities for your child at summer camp in New York that you won’t see anywhere else all in one place. Summer camp in New York is fun, and kids meet new friends, but the added bonus is they will have the opportunity to grow and mature. At summer camp kids develop and exercise their sense of independence.

Here’s a list of benefits and opportunities that summer camp in New York can provide for your child, that can help build character while they have fun away from home.

Your child will have the opportunity to:

be encouraged to try new things

build self esteem

learn responsibility

share ideas

have a chance to be themselves

build friendships

appreciate nature

participate in some fun physical activities

gain communication skills

lead others

learn to cooperate with others

gain various activity skills

…and learn to encourage others in a fun, safe environment. And that’s just to name a few.

At Camp Kinder Ring, we want to answer any questions you may have about our sleep away summer camp.

Please feel free to call our office any time at 845-221-2771.We have exciting new opportunitieswaiting for your camper to participate in! Schedule a tour and see what we have for your child to enjoy. We look forward to seeing and hearing from you soon!