What Makes Camp Kinder Ring Different?

You may not believe us just yet, but Camp Kinder Ring is the most unique, fun, and exciting Jewish summer camp near Connecticut. We have a scenic location, amazing staff, variety of activities, and endless hours of fun for your child next summer! Still unsure about what makes Camp Kinder Ring the perfect match for your son or daughter? Take a look at this list of 4 things that make Camp Kinder Ring different from all of the other camps around:

  1. SCENIC LOCATION – Located on over 100 acres on Sylvan Lake in Hopewell Junction, New York, Camp Kinder Ring is the perfect home away from home for children in Connecticut. The beautiful Hudson Valley is home to our camp, giving campers not only an amazing summer, but also a beautiful campus to explore. It is also home to all of our Jewish summer camp facilities. This includes various athletic fields and courts, Sylvan Lake beach, high and low ropes course, state of the art theater, and more!
  2. CARING STAFF – Who we hire is extremely important to Camp Kinder Ring. Our Jewish summer camp staff is there to nurture, teach, comfort and guide all of our campers. Our staff goes through a one-week orientation and various training through the summer to ensure that they are ready for anything and everything that could happen. Also, our staff wants to give every child the best summer possible!
  3. ACTIVITIES – The easiest way to guarantee that your son or daughter enjoys summer camp is by sending them to a camp that offers their favorite activity! And at Camp Kinder Ring it is almost impossible to not fall in love with one of our Jewish summer camp activities! By offering over 40 different activities, there is no way for children to not love being at Camp Kinder Ring!
  4. FUN – In case you weren’t aware, Jewish summer camp is FUN! Just think about all of the exciting and new adventures and experiences that children will have. And all of the new friends that they will make!

Now that you’ve read what makes us different from the others, it’s time to sign your son or daughter up for the best Jewish summer camp near Connecticut! Call Camp Kinder Ring at (845)-221-2771 for more information or to schedule a tour today!

What to Ask When Picking a Summer Camp

Finding a summer camp for your son or daughter can be a very time consuming and stressful task. But it’s all worth it once you hear about all of the fun and exciting things that your child did over the summer. So took make this process a little less horrible, Camp Kinder Ring has come up with a few important questions to make the search easier! Keep on reading to hear what our summer camp near Pennsylvania thinks you should consider before picking a camp.

  1. What is the camp’s mission? Every camp should have some kind of mission statement or goal that they would like camper’s to gain by attending it. Make sure that you agree with the summer camp’s mission and all that it has to offer. A summer camp should want to provide children with new opportunities, a chance to learn, encourage both group and individual participation, personal development, self-esteem, interpersonal skills, and the overall healthy growth of all of our campers.
  2. Who are the counselors? Since your child will be spending every day with their summer camp counselors, it’s important for you to know who they are. Find out about the hiring process for the counselors and the rest of the staff. Are any background checks performed? After being hired, what kind of training do they go through? Make sure that you are comfortable with the staff and how the camp is run.
  3. What does the camp have to offer? Besides having a ton of fun, your son or daughter should leave summer camp with new skills and have gaining lessons that will stay with them for the rest of their life. Just by being at summer camp, children should gain independence, confidence, learn to effectively communicate, and learn that it is all right to be them self.
  4. What does a day at camp consist of? The easiest way to ensure that your son or daughter has a great time at summer camp is by sending them to a camp that offers activities that they are excited to participate in. Check out the summer camp activities and ask your child if they would be interested in trying any of them. If they don’t seem excited by any of them, move on to the next camp.

Now, start your search for the perfect summer camp! If you’re interested in sending your son or daughter to the best summer camp near Pennsylvania, then call Camp Kinder Ring today! Contact us at (845)-221-2771 for more information or to schedule a tour of the campgrounds.

The Importance of Visiting a Summer Camp

If you were looking for the perfect college, you wouldn’t choose one just by looking at pictures online. Visiting it would give you an opportunity to explore the layout of the campus, how it feels like to be there, and the types of students you would have classes with. So when searching for the perfect summer camp, wouldn’t you do the same? At Camp Kinder Ring, we believe that the best way to ensure that you find the perfect summer camp near Vermont is by visiting it and getting a tour. Before selecting a camp to send your son or daughter to, it is important to look out for the following things:

  1. Atmosphere – Do you and your child feel welcome and comfortable when you walk on to the campgrounds? At Camp Kinder Ring, we have created a safe and supportive environment where all campers can feel comfortable and welcome. First impressions are key, and how you feel when you first step foot on the campgrounds usually makes or breaks the summer camp for you.
  2. Campgrounds – Speaking of the campgrounds, explore the summer camp facilities. Ensure that they are being kept up to date and monitored. At Camp Kinder Ring, we are constantly improving and expanding our facilities to ensure that they are safe and ready for our campers to have a great time. When visiting a summer camp, see as many of the facilities as possible and make sure that you are comfortable with how they are set up and built.
  3. People – When we say people, we mean the summer camp staff as well as fellow campers. Find out how the counselors and staff are hired. Are background checks performed? What kind of training do they go through? Try and visit the summer camp during a camp day to see how the campers interact with one another. If you notice that they children aren’t getting along, or the staff isn’t supervising to the best of their ability, this may be a sign to move on to the next summer camp.

Once you have visited the summer camp and taken all of these things into consideration, you should be able to pick the right summer camp for your son or daughter. The summer camp that both you and your child enjoyed the most and felt the most comfortable at may be hard to come across, but you will know when it happens. If you’re looking for the best summer camp near Vermont, than come and visit Camp Kinder Ring today! Call us at (845)-221-2771 for more information or to schedule your tour now.

3 Reasons to Attend Summer Camp near MA

While our summer 2015 session is just ending here at Camp Kinder Ring, we like to think that it is never to early to start planning for next summer! Making the decision to send your son or daughter to our summer camp near MA next summer guarantees them endless hours of fun. Need more convincing on why Camp Kinder Ring is the perfect camp for your son or daughter? Keep reading to hear why!

  1. Where else can your son or daughter hang out with friends, participate in various activities, and learn something new every single day? It’s impossible for children to be bored at Camp Kinder Ring. The options are endless at Camp Kinder Ring, and we offer a variety of summer camp activities that campers can choose from. Whether your son or daughter is interested in athletics, adventures, arts & crafts, performing arts, or cultural arts, there is something that every camper will enjoy at Camp Kinder Ring.
  2. When you send your child to Camp Kinder Ring, there is a guarantee that they will learn a ton of things and grow up by the end of the summer. Along with all of the fun and excitement that comes along with going to camp, children will also learn a ton of life lessons at summer camp. From being independent, to being a part of a community, and everything in between, you will notice a change in maturity and confidence in your son or daughter by the time that you pick them up at the end of the summer.
  3. Our amazing summer camp staff will constantly supervising your children all summer long. This means that you don’t have to worry about getting a babysitter or watching them all day long. Instead, our trained counselors will be watching and teaching campers all summer long while giving them the best summer camp experience ever!

Are you ready to sign your son or daughter up for the best summer camp near MA?! Then call Camp Kinder Ring today at (845)-221-2771 for more information or to schedule a tour.

Why Should Children Attend Summer Camp?

Summer Camp- the highlight of children’s summers for decades now. But what’s stopping you from sending your son or daughter to summer camp? Summer camp offers a safe and fun place for children to have the best summer of their lives, so why isn’t your child signed up yet?! Making the decision to send your son or daughter to a summer camp can be really hard. You probably have a lot of fears and stress towards it. However, here at Camp Kinder Ring, we are here to put these fears to rest and let you know why your child should attend a summer camp near CT, like us, next summer!

To be honest, sending your son or daughter to summer camp is one of the best decisions you could make for them. Summer camp gives children a fresh start, and opportunity to truly be themselves in a safe and supportive community. Here at Camp Kinder Ring, we have created a warm and caring environment where everyone is welcome. Children will leave our camp with a sense of accomplishment, increased self-esteem, and interpersonal skills that will remain with them even after they leave at the end of the summer. The benefits of summer camp are endless. Children will learn something new every day, stay active all summer, and make new friends and memories to last a lifetime. Children will get to choose from a wide variety of summer camp activities to take part in and learn new skills every single day. We create an age-appropriate schedule of weekly activities and events to excite our campers. These activities include various sports, adventures, cultural arts, performing arts, arts and crafts, water activities, trips, and special events! Every day at Camp Kinder Ring is a new and fun experience. Also, children stay active at summer camp. It is easy for children to stay active during the school year, with all of the sports, play groups, after school activities, etc. But during the summer, it can be hard for children to stay mentally and physically active. At summer camp, it is a guarantee that children will be moving and thinking all summer long, how great is that?! And remember, these are just a few reasons why you should send your son or daughter to summer camp and there are plenty more!

If you’re interested in sending your son or daughter to the best summer camp near CT, then call Camp Kinder Ring today! Contact us at (845)-221-2771 for more information or to schedule a tour of our campgrounds today.

Picking the Perfect Summer Camp in New York

It’s never too early to start searching for the perfect summer camp for your child next year! The earlier that you decide on a summer camp, the more likely you are to qualify for discounts and less likely to be stressed out! At Camp Kinder Ring, we are a summer camp in New York that understands how difficult it can be for parents to find the perfect camp! So, we came up with a few tips to help you:

  1. Ask the camp what their mission statement or goal is. The summer camp’s goal is very important and as the parent, you should completely agree with it. Summer camps should want to teach your child while giving them the best and most fun summer of their life!
  2. If possible, visit the summer camp and meet with the staff. The best way to see if a summer camp is the perfect fit is by touring the campgrounds and exploring the summer camp facilities. If you get a chance to meet with the summer camp staff, ask any questions and voice any concerns that you may have. They are the number one source on all things summer camp
  3. Lastly, another great way to guarantee that your son or daughter enjoys summer camp is by making sure there is something they love there. If your child is interested in a specific sport or program, make sure they offer it as one of the summer camp activities. Most camps will allow children to try any activity they wish, whether they have experience or not.

Are you still looking for the best summer camp in New York for your child? You have found it with Camp Kinder Ring! Call us at (845)-221-2771 for more information or to schedule a tour!

Kids Grow at Camp in New York

Every single day at camp is a learning experience for kids. At Camp Kinder Ring, children learn and grow every single day while having fun and making tons of new friends. What could be better than that? By the time that you pick up your son or daughter at the end of the summer at our camp in New York, you will notice how much more mature and independent they have become. Plus, they will have endless stories about all of the cool things they did this summer! But how exactly will children grow while they’re at camp this year?

  • One of the best parts about attending Camp Kinder Ring is the welcoming and supportive environment that we have created. Our camp environment is supportive, nonjudgmental, and fun. Boys and girls can feel free to participate in any camp activity that they choose, whether they are a beginner or tried it out before. They don’t have to be afraid to be judged by their peers; instead they will be encouraged and accepted for who they are. At camp, children learn to not be afraid of being themselves.
  • A very important part of children going away to camp is learning to be independent. One of the benefits of camp is for children to have a chance to live on their own and learn to take care of themselves. Although being without parents can be a scary experience, our camp staff is always there to guide and help campers with any problems or possible homesickness at camp.
  • Lastly, children learn to set and achieve personal goals at camp. The camp experience is the perfect place for children to try new things, work as a team, and achieve personal growth on a daily basis. Just some of the many benefits of attending camp at Camp Kinder Ring every summer!

If you’re interested in sending your son or daughter to the best camp in New York, Camp Kinder Ring, then contact us today! Call us at (845)-221-2771 for more information or to schedule a tour today.

Children Stay Active at Summer Camp in New York

Three weeks into summer camp and we are way too much fun! At Camp Kinder Ring, our campers are spending their days participating in fun filled activities and hanging out with all of their new friends. On top of that, our summer camp in New York is keeping children active both mentally and physically all summer long!

Staying active over the summer is extremely beneficial to a child’s health and wellbeing. And the best place to do that is at Camp Kinder Ring! If your son or daughter isn’t attending summer camp, what do they plan on doing all summer long? Most children look forward to the summer months as a break from school and a chance to sit around the house all day doing nothing. When in reality, children should be spending their time off outside and having fun. At Camp Kinder Ring, we provide children with a break from the stress that comes along with the school year, and instead encourage an active and healthy lifestyle in a fun and exciting way. The summer camp experience will keep children learning even during the summer months. But instead of learning about math and writing, children will be taught fun and exciting activities that they actually enjoy. Our summer camp staff is equipped and ready for campers to come asking questions and ready to have fun. Through a variety of summer camp activities, children will keep their minds and bodies moving by participating in all different programs. There is guaranteed to be something that you son or daughter will fall in love with at Camp Kinder Ring that they will hopefully continue once they leave at the end of the summer! Whether a child has participated in the activity before or this is their first time, our staff will help children learn, practice, as well as set and achieve personal goals every single day at summer camp. Besides children remaining active this summer, the benefits of summer camp are endless and all the more reason to send your son or daughter to Camp Kinder Ring!

Are you ready to sign your son or daughter up for the best summer camp in New York? Contact Camp Kinder Ring today at (845)-221-2771 for more information or to schedule a tour!

Lessons at Summer Camp near Pennsylvania

We are only one week into summer camp at Camp Kinder Ring and we can already tell that this is going to be the best summer ever! At our summer camp near Pennsylvania, our campers have been having fun since the second you dropped them off last week! But don’t worry; along with all of this fun and excitement, children are learning something new every single day. From learning new skills and life lessons to endless hours of fun, deciding to send your son or daughter to Camp Kinder Ring this summer was best possible decision for their summer plans!

  • The second that children are dropped off at Camp Kinder Ring they become more independent. At summer camp, children will learn what it is like to live on their own, without the constant supervision of parents. Instead, our amazing summer camp staff will be there to watch and assist campers with any problems or questions they may have this summer. By going away to overnight camp, children learn to take care of themselves and how to be away from home for an extended period of time, thus preparing them for the future.
  • The community at Camp Kinder Ring is the perfect place for children to grow and learn to be themselves. We encourage teamwork, living together, participation, and personal development. Through a variety of differentsummer camp activities and adventures, children will experience all of this and more. Plus, what could be better than your child spending the entire summer learning a new skill or activity that they fall in love with?!
  • Spending time outside is extremely beneficial and important to a child’s growth and development. For many children, they see summer as the perfect opportunity to sit down in front of a TV or computer screen and spend hours there. In order to keep your child’s mind and body active, we promote spending our days outside exploring the great outdoors and all of our summer camp facilities.

Are you interested in sending your son or daughter to the best summer camp near Pennsylvania? Call Camp Kinder Ring today at (845)-221-2771 for more information or to schedule a tour!

Jewish Summer Camp is Perfect for Children in Florida

When researching camps for your son or daughter this summer, have you ever considered a Jewish summer camp for children in Florida? Camp Kinder Ring is a Jewish summer camp in the beautiful Hudson Valley region of New York for boys and girls ages 7-16. We aim to make the world a better place while focusing on progressive Jewish values that have helped create a warm and caring camp environment for our campers.

But what makes a Jewish summer camp the perfect choice for your child? First, children will learn about their religion in a fun learning environment. The rich Jewish culture and values are a part of our Jewish summer camp community. We offer a variety of Jewish cultural activities that include Folk Dances, Friday night community gatherings, an Israeli Dance, Jewish culture discussions & activities, and introduction to Yiddish language. Besides learning about their Jewish heritage, children will also get all of the regular benefits of summer camp. There is a wide variety of Jewish summer camp activities that campers will be able to choose from. At Camp Kinder Ring, we have athletics, adventure, individual sport, leisure sport, performing arts, arts & crafts, water activities, trips, special events and more! Sportsmanship, participation, skill development, and teamwork are all key components that we focus on at summer camp. Our Jewish summer camp staff offers instruction and skill training to every camper to help them achieve their goals. Children don’t have to be afraid to fail or be judged and will instead be constantly supported by their fellow campers. Jewish summer camp is great place for children in Florida to become independent and grow.

If you’re interested in the best Jewish summer camp for children in Florida, contact Camp Kinder Ring today at 845-221-2771 for schedule a tour or to get more information!