Jewish Summer Camp near Massachusetts

The warmer weather will be here before you know it, so it’s time to focus on the summer. While we put the final touches on our summer paradise and get it ready for the coming season, you might want to decide on a summer camp for your child, or if Camp Kinder Ring of Hopewell Junction NY is a contender. It’s easier than you think to find the perfect Jewish summer camp near Massachusetts.

Kinder Ring is the perfect combination of everything we love about summer. Caring campers, gorgeous grounds, and awesome summer camp activities are just a few things you can expect to see when you enter through our gates. With a wide range of sports such as gaga, volleyball, dance, and soccer, there is never a dull moment in CKR. We also offer activities that are not centered on athletics such as arts and crafts, cooking, and our ropes course/ adventure center. Of course, we can’t forget about the waterfront! We offer many lake front activities on our own Sylvan Lake, in addition to the pool. Believe it or not, these are just a sneak peak at the fun to be had!

All of these activities are just the beginning. Kinder Ring offers something much deeper than just fun in the sun. Our summer camp Jewish Culture program teaches campers important Jewish stories while integrating fun yiddish songs and Israeli dances. Campers will learn the basic values that guide our religion, and will come away from the summer more in tune with their culture. Every Friday night we celebrate “Shtiller” by gathering around the flagpole for discussion and song in our whites, and eating a traditional Shabbas meal in the dining room. These moments bring our campers together with a feeling of Jewish Community, and help them to understand how Jewish traditions can be a fun part of the week.

Kinder Ring is the best jewish summer camp near Massachusetts, is the perfect combination of activities, friendship, and Jewish spirit. Call us at 845-221-2771 for more information and find out if Camp Kinder Ring is the best option for your camper to spend their summer months.

Jewish Summer Camp near Florida

When researching camps for your son or daughter this summer, have you ever considered a Jewish summer camp near FloridaCamp Kinder Ring is a Jewish summer camp in the beautiful Hudson Valley region of New York for boys and girls ages 7-16. We aim to make the world a better place while focusing on progressive Jewish values that have helped create a warm and caring camp environment for our campers.

But what makes a Jewish summer camp the perfect choice for your child? First, children will learn about their religion in a fun learning environment. The rich Jewish culture and values are a part of our Jewish summer camp community. We offer a variety of Jewish cultural activities that include Folk Dances, Friday night community gatherings, an Israeli Dance, Jewish culture discussions & activities, and introduction to Yiddish language. Besides learning about their Jewish heritage, children will also get all of the regular benefits of summer camp. There is a wide variety of Jewish summer camp activities that campers will be able to choose from. At Camp Kinder Ring, we have athletics, adventure, individual sport, leisure sport, performing arts, arts & crafts, water activities, trips, special events and more! Sportsmanship, participation, skill development, and teamwork are all key components that we focus on at summer camp. Our Jewish summer camp staff offers instruction and skill training to every camper to help them achieve their goals. Children don’t have to be afraid to fail or be judged and will instead be constantly supported by their fellow campers. Jewish summer camp is great place for children in Florida to become independent and grow.

If you’re interested in a Jewish summer camp near Florida, contact Camp Kinder Ring today at 845-221-2771 for schedule a tour or to get more information!

Co-Ed Summer Camp in New York

It’s getting close to that time of year again, and all we can think is this upcoming summer and the start of camp! We know your son(s) and/or daughter(s) are just dying to go back to camp! Well, if you’re searching for the ultimate co-ed summer camp in New York then look no further! At Camp Kinder Ring, we offer all you want/need and more! Now, you’ve probably been researching co-ed camps for hours and hours, right? The search is now over; Camp Kinder Ring is the best co-ed summer camp in New York!

Now, you’re probably wondering what makes us the best. Well, for starters, we offer a unique variety of co-ed camp activities for our campers to choose from. Each camper will have an opportunity to choose an activity for one period each week where they can either stick with something they are comfortable with or learn something new! We will also create an age-appropriate schedule of weekly activities for each camper. Some of our residential camp activities include, team sports, cultural arts, individual sports, water activities, performing arts, arts & crafts, adventure courses and more! In addition, we offer special events and trips throughout the summer that campers can choose to take part in.

Our co-ed summer camp staff is constantly being trained throughout the summer and supervises every program. At Camp Kinder Ring, we have a low camper to staff ratio, which creates a very safe and attentive environment for our campers. Our residential camp staff aims to nurture, teach, comfort and guide our campers while giving them the best summer ever! Our summer camp director, Dr. Marc Rauch, attended Camp Kinder Ring himself and wants to show campers why our camp is “The Shining Star in the World of Camping!”

Now, if you’re ready to attend the best co-ed summer camp in New York, contact Camp Kinder Ring at 845-221-2771 for more information or to schedule a tour today!

How To Pick A Residential Summer Camp in New York

Summer camps are an extraordinary place for children to learn to be independent and spend time outdoors doing things that they are unable to do during the school year. At summer camps, children spend time away from high tech equipment and instead focus on outdoor play and activities that develop communication, leadership, and other skills. However, picking a camp in New York is not easy because of the large number of them available. You may find it difficult to know how to pick a residential summer camp in New York.


Before you pick a summer camp in New York, you need to ensure that you agree with the summer camp mission or philosophy. Ensure that what the things that the camp will be teaching your children are things that are in line with what you would want them to learn. The perfect camp is one that not only gives children an awesome summer, but is also constantly teaching them.


Another important criterion that parents need to decide when they are selecting a camp is the summer camp tuition. Some camps can be very expensive and offer plenty of luxurious summer camp facilities, but might be out of your reach. By using this criterion, you will be able to narrow down the list of camps. And remember, just because a camp is expensive doesn’t mean it’s the best! You can’t base how great a summer camp is just on how much it costs!

Age of Child

Before you select a summer camp in New York, keep in mind the age of the child and ensure that they are ready to spend a week or longer away from you. Some children are ready for summer away from home when they are nine, others may feel more ready when they are a little bit older. As such there are camps that are meant for younger children and others that are for older children and teenagers. When you are looking for a sleep away camp, find out the age group of the children they cater to.

Safety and Emergency

Camps should have proper safety and emergency routines in place. Make sure that the camp you select has summer camp counselors and a camp director trained in safety procedures. The camp should also have emergency medical facilities. Additionally, the camp should have staff trained to identify and prevent instances of bullying, abuse, and sexual abuse of children by counselors and other children.

Communication with Parents

When you are sending your child to a summer camp near New York you need to ensure that you will be kept informed about any important issues. You need to find out how the camp will communicate with parents both about routine events and emergencies.

Interests of Your Child

The summer camp should offer your child more than camp fires and marshmallows. The camp should offer a range of summer camp activities. Some of which your child is already interested in and some that you would like your child to develop an interest in or that they might be interested in starting. For instance, a camp that offers children a chance to learn and experiment with music while also introducing them to photography or nature would ensure that a child interested in music enjoys the camp even as they learn a bit more about the outdoors and/or photography.

Camp Kinder Ring, the best residential summer camp in New York, located in Hopewell Junction, is where every child feels cared for and nurtured while they learn valuable life lessons and have fun. To schedule a tour of the camp or for more information contact us at (845)-221-2771.

Picking the Perfect Overnight Camp in New York

It’s never too early to start searching for the perfect overnight summer camp for your child next year! The earlier that you decide on a summer camp, the more likely you are to qualify for discounts and less likely to be stressed out! At Camp Kinder Ring, we are an overnight summer camp in New York that understands how difficult it can be for parents to find the perfect camp! So, we came up with a few tips to help you:

  1. Ask the camp what their mission statement or goal is. The summer camp’s goal is very important and as the parent, you should completely agree with it. Summer camps should want to teach your child while giving them the best and most fun summer of their life!
  2. If possible, visit the summer camp and meet with the staff. The best way to see if a summer camp is the perfect fit is by touring the campgrounds and exploring the summer camp facilities. If you get a chance to meet with the summer camp staff, ask any questions and voice any concerns that you may have. They are the number one source on all things summer camp
  3. Lastly, another great way to guarantee that your son or daughter enjoys summer camp is by making sure there is something they love there. If your child is interested in a specific sport or program, make sure they offer it as one of the summer camp activities. Most camps will allow children to try any activity they wish, whether they have experience or not.

Are you still looking for the best overnight summer camp in New York for your child? You have found it with Camp Kinder Ring! Call us at (845)-221-2771 for more information or to schedule a tour!

Jewish Summer Camp near New England

Are you looking to provide your children with a fun, meaningful, and memorable summer? Why not consider getting them out of the house and into Summer Camp!! Is Jewish culture and identity important to you? It’s important to us as well, Camp Kinder Ring is a Jewish Summer Camp near New England!

Along with all our great activities, we also find a way to integrate Jewish culture and identity into our summer camp programs. Each family that joins our Jewish summer camp community is welcomed with open arms and instantly becomes a part of our rich history. We care about your children, our environment and the larger world in which we live. This is reflected in every message and every experience we build into the Kinder Ring program. The rich Jewish cultural heritage and values are part of the atmosphere.

Camp Kinder Ring gives your children the opportunity to learn, explore and develop new skills, hobbies and interests! We create an environment that focuses on participation and personal growth, rather than competition. This helps children feel confident enough to try new things no matter what their skill level may be!

Some of our summer camp activities include:

– Basketball

– Roller Hockey

– Tennis

– Boating

– Fishing

– Swimming

– Ceramics

– Theater

– Dance

– Archery

– Climbing Wall

– Hiking

Give your child summer memories filled with adventure while they learn about their rich heritage. Call Camp Kinder Ring for more information today! (845) 221-2771

Conference Center in New York

Are you looking for a place to hold a conference in New York for your business, group, or even family and friends? Well, in April, May, June and August through October, the facilities at Camp Kinder Ring can be rented for one, two, three or more nights to accommodate all attendees of the event! We have plenty of experienced and knowledgeable event staff that can create the perfect experience for your organization group, corporate retreat, or family celebration.

We have over 100 acres of property including: great athletic fields, indoor athletic facilities, indoor meeting facilities, an Olympic Size pool and boating and swimming in the magnificent and beautiful Sylvan Lake. Our staff can customize your event for a night, a weekend or a week-long outing. Join the many synagogues, schools, organizations, choral and dance groups, sports teams and family groups who have made Camp Kinder Ring their retreat location year after year. We know how to plan and cater to your needs!

The beautiful Hudson Valley region offers wonderful opportunities to visit vineyards, cultural venues, museums, historical locations, shopping and touring. We have a complete Conference and Meetings Facility on 110 Acres, located in the Heart of the Hudson Valley on beautiful Sylvan Lake.

For more information on rentals contact us at:

Summer Office: 335 Sylvan Lake Road, Hopewell Jct, NY 12533         845-221-2771                

Winter Office: 247 West 37th St., Fifth Floor, New York, NY 10018     845-221-2771 Ext 105


Ways to Cope With Homesickness at Summer Camp near Pennsylvania

As a first year camper at Camp Kinder Ring, or maybe even returning camper, many children will have to face the difficulties of homesickness. Being homesick is not abnormal, nor is it incurable. In fact, according to author and psychologist Michael Thompson, 97 percent of children experience at least some occasional homesick feelings at camp. So, with this statistic in mind, it is important to understand how to handle your child’s homesickness, and the best ways to help them move forward and enjoy their experience at our summer camp near Pennsylvania.

Most importantly, try to prevent homesickness at summer camp in general. The best way to go about doing so is to set up a support network for campers before the summer begins. Introduce your child to old campers or workers that you can rely on and trust. These people will help them to feel a connection with someone within their camp community and will eliminate the “I need Mommy” feelings. Also, try to send a lot of letters and care packages. Kinder Ring campers are constantly receiving tons of mail, and love the thrill of getting packages! Do not over do it by sending one every day, for this will get your camper overly attached to you and constantly expecting one. Send just enough letters and packages so that your child feels your support and is connected to you in a happy way. Remember also that constant updates on the events occurring at home may leave them feeling left out. Try to ask a lot about what fun they are having. Next, use the Camp Kinder Ring website ( to your advantage. Print pictures that your child is in and enclose them in the letters. Kinder Ring offers an easy and fast way to do so: through your bunk 1 account! These notes will remind them of the good times they are having when they are not missing home. You can also remind them of this by distracting them from the homesickness. Every time they bring up negative thoughts on camp, remind them of a reason to love it, like all of the cool summer camp activities they get to participate in. Only discussing the fun times will help them to realize all they could be participating in while they are spending time missing home. “Camp is like life,” said one camper on an open forum, “The more you get involved, the more lessons you’ll take out of it.”

Handling homesickness in is a battle every parent will have to face whether it is at summer camp now, or college later down the road. By setting your child up for success and ensuring constant engagement in fun activities, you can prevent and eliminate their desires to come home, and kick off their amazing summers! Do not forget to be understanding, but more importantly, show them how wrong they truly are. And with the help of you and our amazing summer camp staff, we can make Camp Kinder Ring your child’s home away from home!

If you’re looking for the best summer camp near Pennsylvania for your son or daughter next summer, then sign them up for Camp Kinder Ring! Call us at (845)-221-2771 for more information or to schedule an upcoming tour of the campgrounds today!

(Originally created September 25, 2013. Updated October 27, 2015.)

Be Prepared for Trick or Treating This Year

The leaves are changing, the weathers getting colder, and pumpkins are everywhere! That must mean that Halloween is right around the corner! Here at Camp Kinder Ring, we want to ensure that all of our campers have a safe and fun time while trick or treating this year. As of today, there are only eleven days until Halloween! Hopefully by now, everyone has made their final costume decision, stocked the house up with candy, and is getting excited to go trick or treating: So our Hudson Valley summer camp has come up with a few tips for children to stay safe on this fun and spooky night! To make this year the best one yet, follow these quick tips for staying safe:

  • The most important part of Halloween (besides candy, of course) is the costume! And children usually have a tendency to be as authentic as possible, despite how uncomfortable they might feel in a few hours. Trick or treating involves a ton of walking, so make sure that you and your children are wearing comfortable shoes! Avoid any shoes that your child might not be used to, like heels. By avoiding these shoes, you are avoiding tripping, stumbling, and those annoying blisters!
  • Ensure that your flashlights all work and bring extra batteries! Obviously, walking around outside when it is dark out can be super dangerous. But flashlights and reflective tape can make both you and your children more noticeable to drivers and other trick or treaters. If you or your child’s costume is all black, make their candy bag reflective and make them carry a flashlight as well.
  • The most popular trick or treating hours is from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., so if you will be driving around at this time. Drive around a little slower and be extra cautious. Remember that children will likely be excited, and forget to look both ways before crossing the street, so don’t speed and pay more attention to what’s happening around you.
  • Lastly, make sure to check your son or daughter’s candy at the end of the night. Throw out any candy that looks like it’s been tampered with or previously opened should go straight into the trash, just to be safe.

Follow these tips to ensure that you and your children have a safe and fun time trick or treating this Halloween. Camp Kinder Ring wishes you a Happy Halloween! And if you’re interested in signing your son or daughter up for the best Hudson Valley summer camp, then call us today at (845)-221-2771 for more information or to schedule a tour!

Ways to Reduce Your Child’s Stress

With the school year back in full swing, the likelihood of your son or daughter feeling stressed or anxious is extremely common. Many people forget that stress not only affects adults, but also children too. From all of the homework that they receive at school, to next week’s test, and all of the afterschool activities, children are left feeling stressed and unsure how to handle it. At Camp Kinder Ring, we have done a little bit of research to help our campers deal with these feelings. Our Jewish summer camp near Massachusetts has found a few tips to help children deal with and hopefully reduce the stress that they may be feeling.

  • First off, let your child know that what he or she is feeling is completely normal. Remind them that everyone gets stressed and that there are ways to cope with it.
  •  Staying active is a great way for children to relax and reduce their stress. However, overloading their schedule with afterschool activities, sports practices, and piano lessons is not the best way to keep children active. Children often feel stressed when they are pressured or feel forced to do something. Instead, allow them some time for free play. Look through our Jewish summer camp activities and use those as examples. Allow them to choose what they want to do and to just have some fun playing.
  •  Besides keeping children active, getting rest every night is just as important! Make sure that your son or daughter isn’t staying up too late every night. Sleep is a natural stress reliever; so the more likely they are to get a good night sleep, hopefully the better they will feel.
  • Another way to reduce stress is to reduce screen time. Did you know that on average, children will spend about seven hours a day using some kind of electronic or entertainment media?! Instead of that, send your child outside to reconnect with nature and to get away from video games, social media, and the newest phone app. Spending time in nature is an easy stress reliever that works miracles.

And lets not forget about reducing stress during the summer! The easiest way to do that is by sending them to the best Jewish summer camp near Massachusetts, Camp Kinder Ring! Call us at (845)-221-2771 for more information or to schedule a tour today!