What To Look For In A Summer Camp In New York?

Where Can I Find A Summer Camp In New York?

Camp Kinder Ring is a leading overnight camp in New York. We specialize in providing a safe and fun environment for all of our campers, no matter their age or interests.

How Old Are The Campers?

Camp Kinder Ring is a coed summer camp for girls and boys from ages 7 to 16. Many of our counselors have previously attended as campers and have grown up with Camp Kinder Ring. We ensure there are at least 2-3 counselors living in each bunk with 8-12 campers. Campers are supervised 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

How Long Does A Summer Camp In New York Last?

Our program is designed to provide a full experience for 3, 4, or 7-week sessions. We encourage individual as well as structured group participation when planning each child’s daily schedule. By promoting teamwork and community, our staff demonstrates full commitment to the growth of our campers.

What Type Of Food Is Served?

Our family-style menus are developed by a nutritionist and include a variety of choices from top quality, fresh, and professionally prepared food. For breakfast, we always have hot and cold cereals, toast, muffins, yogurt as well as hot prepared options. Lunch and dinner consist of a fully stocked salad bar, pasta, and hot options. We have all the delicious options your kid’s love, including chicken nuggets and pizza. There is always more than enough food and we make sure every child leaves the dining room fully satisfied. We also offer vegetarian preferences and accommodations for special dietary concerns. In addition, we have healthy snacks that are available all day long. We also cater to planned activities such as campfires, barbecues, and social get-togethers.

What Activities Are Offered At A Summer Camp In New York?

We offer a variety of activities for your child. Whether it is a sport they already love or a new activity they have never had the opportunity to try, we have something for every interest. Our featured programs include:

Team sports

Basketball, volleyball, flag football, handball, hockey, soccer, baseball, and softball.

Individual sports

Archery, dance, fitness training, gymnastics, ping pong, track and field, and mountain biking.

Water activities

Boating, fishing, swimming, lifeguarding, water basketball, and water polo.


A ropes course, climbing wall, and zip lining.

Arts and crafts

Ceramics, jewelry making, cooking, photography, tie-dye, and woodworking.


Campfires, carnival, camp Olympics, game nights, and out of camp trips.

Finding What To Look For In A Summer Camp In New York

Our team at Camp Kinder Ring are experts in sleepaway camp. We are here to answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding overnight camp, residential camp, or summer camp in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Florida, and Hopewell Junction. Contact Camp Kinder Ring to schedule a free visit today. Call now (845) 221-2771.

Overnight Camp New York

Can We Visit An Overnight Camp In New York Before Signing Up?

Yes, of course! We offer multiple open houses and tours. All tours are led by our summer camp staff. If our open house dates are not convenient for your schedule, please contact our office to set up a private tour with one of our camp staff any day of the week. We want to make sure our camp is the right fit for your child, and they are excited about the thought of attending.

Where Is Camp Kinder Ring Located?

Camp Kinder Ring consists of over 100 acres of beautiful land on Sylvan Lake in Hopewell Junction, New York. As a result, we are able to offer programs and activities that your children already love along with the opportunity to try new experiences. Our property comes complete with various amenities including:

  • Ropes course
  • Climbing wall
  • Zipline
  • Tennis courts
  • Softball fields
  • Volleyball courts
  • Basketball courts
  • Handball courts
  • Soccer/football fields
  • Hockey rink
  • Archery range
  • Movie theater

How Much Does An Overnight Camp In New York Cost?

The cost of overnight camp in New Yorkvaries based on specific individual factors such as the dates attending, the size of the group, the type of function, and the amount of food service and staffing required. Our experienced staff will design a stay that will accommodate your budget and exceed your expectations.

What If My Child Gets Homesick At Summer Camp?

It is perfectly normal for campers to begin missing home, especially if it is there first time being away. However, this can be an important part of their camp experience, as it may help develop a feeling of self-esteem and independence. Luckily, Camp Kinder Ring is a safe place for campers to experience these emotions. Many of our counselors were once homesick campers themselves, so they are understanding and highly trained in working with your child.

Finding An Overnight Camp New York

Our team at Camp Kinder Ring are experts in summer camp. We are here to answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding sleepaway camp or overnight camp in New York, Hopewell Junction, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Florida. Contact Camp Kinder Ring to schedule a free consultation today. Call now 845-221-2771.

Why Summer Camp Far From Home Isn’t A Bad Idea

We know you haven’t started researching camps for your son or daughter next summer, have you ever considered a sleepaway camp for children in Florida? We know its far from our summer camp in New York, but trust us its worth it. Camp Kinder Ring is a Jewish sleepaway summer camp in the beautiful Hudson Valley region of New York for boys and girls ages 7-16. We aim to make the world a better place while focusing on progressive Jewish values that have helped create a warm and caring camp environment for our campers.

But what makes a Jewish summer camp the perfect choice for your child? First, children will learn about their religion in a fun learning environment. The rich Jewish culture and values are a part of our Jewish summer camp community. We offer a variety of Jewish cultural activities that include Folk Dances, Friday night community gatherings, an Israeli Dance, Jewish culture discussions & activities, and introduction to Yiddish language. Besides learning about their Jewish heritage, children will also get all of the regular benefits of summer camp. There is a wide variety of Jewish summer camp activities that campers will be able to choose from. At Camp Kinder Ring, we have athletics, adventure, individual sport, leisure sport, performing arts, arts & crafts, water activities, trips, special events and more! Sportsmanship, participation, skill development, and teamwork are all key components that we focus on at summer camp. Our Jewish summer camp staff offers instruction and skill training to every camper to help them achieve their goals. Children don’t have to be afraid to fail or be judged and will instead be constantly supported by their fellow campers. Jewish summer camp is great place for children in Florida to become independent and grow.

If you’re interested in the best sleepaway camp for children in Florida, contact Camp Kinder Ring today at 845-221-2771 for schedule a tour or to get more information!

How to Cope With Feeling Homesick at Overnight Camp

After being in the summer camp industry for some time now, one of the top questions we get asked is, “what if my child gets homesick?” While there is no way to predict whether or not your son or daughter will get homesick while away at overnight summer camp in NY, there are some ways to prepare. It is extremely common for children to feel homesick at summer camp. Here at Camp Kinder Ring, we have come up with a few ways for both you and your child to get ready to power through this summer!

  1. Think Positive About Camp- One of the worst things parents can do is instill the fear of hating summer camp in their child. Mostly because there is nothing to hate about summer camp! Speak positively about attending summer camp. Remind your son or daughter of all of the fun experiences they are going to have this summer and all of the new friends he or she will make. As a parent, you need to feel confident about your son or daughter attending summer camp. Don’t create a “pick up plan” where your son or daughter can be picked up at any moment just because they are feeling homesick or sad, they will get through it!
  2. Practice for Summer Camp- Since there are still a few weeks before summer camp starts, do a practice summer camp weekend. Consider trying out some of the summer camp activities that your son or daughter will be doing. This allows the child to feel more confident about their abilities once they are actually doing it with fellow campers.
  3. Tour the Camp- If you haven’t already, we highly recommend that you and your child to for a tour of the summer camp. This will give your son or daughter a chance to familiarize themselves with the area and where all of the summer camp facilities are.
  4. Speak with the Staff- If possible, speak with or meet with a member of the summer camp staff. Voice any of your concerns and ask any questions you might have. If possible, have your son or daughter meet a counselor or staff member too. This will give your child a familiar face around camp once summer camp starts!

If you’re looking for the best overnight summer camp in NY, contact Camp Kinder Ring at (845)-221-2771 for more information or to schedule a tour today!


Five Reasons to Send Your Child to Summer Camp

For those who were lucky enough to attend summer camp as a child, you know how amazing it is. You already know how beneficial it is to a child, how much they learn, grow and have endless fun. But if you’ve never gotten the chance to go to away to a summer camp, you probably think that camp is just a place to send your son or daughter all summer so they aren’t bored during that long break from school. But when you send your son or daughter to Camp Kinder Ring, they will get more out of the experience than just staying busy all summer. Keep on reading to learn a few reasons why to send your child to our coed summer camp near New Jersey next year!

  1. Being surrounded by constantly electronics and technology can take a toll of children. Summer camp allows children an opportunity to disconnect from the television, Internet, and their cellphones. And instead, they are given an opportunity to reconnect with the great outdoors. Our many outdoor summer camp facilities allow children to explore nature, unwind, and relax.
  2. Children gain life skills at summer camp. In order to prepare children for the future, they will learn to be responsible, independent, to work with others, and more. Even by spending just a few weeks at Camp Kinder Ring, children will grow and mature noticeably over the summer.
  3. Most of our campers will agree that the best part about coming to Camp Kinder Ring is all of the super cool summer camp activities that we have to offer. Your son or daughter will get a chance to choose from a variety of programs and find something that they truly love doing.
  4. Another great thing about going to summer camp is all of the friends that you make. Your son or daughter will come home at the end of the summer with a ton of new lifelong friends and memories that they made at Camp Kinder Ring.
  5. Keeping your son or daughter active over the summer break can be pretty hard. But when you send them to summer camp, they are guaranteed to stay moving and thinking all day, every day.

If you’re looking for the best coed summer camp near New Jersey for your son or daughter next summer, then look no further than Camp Kinder Ring! Call us at 845-221-2771 for more information or to schedule a tour today.

Why Go to Overnight Summer Camp

Summer camp has been proven to have so many “secret” benefits for kids. It allows them to get out and be active, meet new friends, try new things and even hopefully face their fears. It has also been said that if your child goes to summer camp they will be more prepared and better off in the future! By sending your son or daughter to a overnight camp near Connecticut, like Camp Kinder Ring, you are setting them up for endless hours of fun and new experiences. Keep on reading to learn why attending a summer camp near Connecticut is so great for children!

  • There is no such thing as being bored at summer camp. Every day is different and a new adventure or learning experience. There are a ton of different summer camp activities for campers to choose from at Camp Kinder Ring. We offer a wide variety of sports, adventure programs, performing arts, cultural arts, arts & crafts, special trips and events, and a ton more! There is sure to be something that your son or daughter falls in love with and keeps them occupied all summer long.
  • During the summer, many parents find it hard to keep their child active, both mentally and physically. While children see the long summer break from school as a chance to do nothing, but it is important for them to continue moving and thinking. This is especially easy to do at Camp Kinder Ring. Campers will definitely stay active while having endless hours of fun at summer camp.
  • Campers will also learn a ton of new skills at summer camp. With the help of Camp Kinder Ring’s amazing summer camp counselors and the rest of our great staff, children will learn a variety of skills and tips to help them improve and challenge themselves during the activities that they have chosen to participate in.
  • Going to summer camp is SO MUCH FUN! It is impossible for your son or daughter to not have a great time at summer camp. They will return home at the end of the summer with a bunch of new stories and lifelong friends that they will be counting down to reunite with! Just another reason to send your child to Camp Kinder Ring next year!

If you’re interested in sending your son or daughter to the best overnight summer camp near Connecticut, then make sure to contact us today! Call Camp Kinder Ring at 845-221-2771 for more information or to schedule an upcoming tour of our campgrounds.

Children Learn About Jewish Culture at Camp

When searching for a summer camp, many parents are looking for a camp that not only guarantees children fun, but also gives them an opportunity to learn. Sending your son or daughter to a Jewish cultural camp near New Jersey, like Camp Kinder Ring, gives children the perfect chance to learn more about their heritage in a fun and exciting way. Keep on reading to learn more about Camp Kinder Ring and some of the things that your son or daughter will do at our Jewish cultural camp!

First things first, while we are a Jewish cultural camp, that doesn’t mean that children won’t have the same awesome summer camp experience! In fact, children have even MORE FUN at our camp and count down until they come back next summer! We offer a ton of camp activities, like various sports, art, drama, and adventure programs. And in addition, we have a ton of Jewish cultural activities! At Camp Kinder Ring, campers have the opportunity to participate in folk dancing, Friday night community gatherings, Israeli dances, Jewish culture discussion and activities, and introduction to Yiddish language. What could be better than having an awesome summer with all of your new friends AND learning more about your heritage in fun activities and programs?! All of our campers are sure to go home at the end of the summer with a ton of stories about all of the things they learned and all of the fun they had at Camp Kinder Ring!

If you’re interested in sending your son or daughter to the best Jewish cultural camp near New Jersey, then contact Camp Kinder Ring now! Call us at (845)-221-2771 for more information or to schedule a tour of our campgrounds today!

The Perfect Age for Summer Camp

Summer is almost over, which means summer camps everywhere will be wrapping up and closing down until next summer! At Camp Kinder Ring, we are sad to see summer come to an end! But deciding whether or not your son or daughter is ready to attend summer camp can be a big decision. Unfortunately, there is no “perfect age” for deciding if your child is ready. But, there are a few questions you can ask yourself to ultimately decide if your child will be ready to attend summer camp near Massachusetts.

Has your son or daughter ever brought up the idea of summer camp or seemed interested in it? If your son or daughter has any friends that attend summer camp, it is extremely likely that they will bring up the idea to you. If they seem interested in attending summer camp, go on a tour. This will give them a chance to walk around the campgrounds, see the summer camp facilities, and see what the summer camp has to offer.

Has your child ever experienced any separation anxiety or trouble leaving home? Separation anxiety is inevitable, but if your son or daughter experiences this often, they may not be ready to go away for the summer. If you notice that your child doesn’t really have a problem leaving home, this is a good sign that they will be prepared for summer camp. If you are still unsure, do a practice weekend away from home. Send your son or daughter to a family member or friends house for the weekend to see how they react. Have them try out some summer camp activities that they might participate in, and possibly follow a summer camp schedule.

If you are still not sure if your son or daughter is ready for summer camp, call the camp. Speak with the director or a member of the summer camp staff and ask if they have any advice. Ultimately, only you can decide if your son or daughter is ready, but consider these questions when deciding!

If you know your child is ready for summer camp, call the best summer camp near Massachusetts, Camp Kinder Ring for more information or to schedule a tour at 845-221-2771!

Questions to Ask When Picking a Coed Summer Camp

Finding a summer camp for your son or daughter can be a very time consuming and stressful task. But it’s all worth it once you hear about all of the fun and exciting things that your child did over the summer. So took make this process a little less horrible, Camp Kinder Ring has come up with a few important questions to make the search easier! Keep on reading to hear what our coed summer camp in New York thinks you should consider before picking a camp.

  1. What is the camp’s mission? Every camp should have some kind of mission statement or goal that they would like camper’s to gain by attending it. Make sure that you agree with the summer camp’s mission and all that it has to offer. A summer camp should want to provide children with new opportunities, a chance to learn, encourage both group and individual participation, personal development, self-esteem, interpersonal skills, and the overall healthy growth of all of our campers.
  2. Who are the counselors? Since your child will be spending every day with their summer camp counselors, it’s important for you to know who they are. Find out about the hiring process for the counselors and the rest of the staff. Are any background checks performed? After being hired, what kind of training do they go through? Make sure that you are comfortable with the staff and how the camp is run.
  3. What does the camp have to offer? Besides having a ton of fun, your son or daughter should leave summer camp with new skills and have gaining lessons that will stay with them for the rest of their life. Just by being at summer camp, children should gain independence, confidence, learn to effectively communicate, and learn that it is all right to be them self.
  4. What does a day at camp consist of? The easiest way to ensure that your son or daughter has a great time at summer camp is by sending them to a camp that offers activities that they are excited to participate in. Check out the summer camp activities and ask your child if they would be interested in trying any of them. If they don’t seem excited by any of them, move on to the next camp.

Now, start your search for the perfect summer camp! If you’re interested in sending your son or daughter to the best coed summer camp in New York, then call Camp Kinder Ring today! Contact us at (845)-221-2771 for more information or to schedule a tour of the campgrounds.

How To Pick A Residential Summer Camp

Summer camps are an extraordinary place for children to learn to be independent and spend time outdoors doing things that they are unable to do during the school year. At summer camps, children spend time away from high tech equipment and instead focus on outdoor play and activities that develop communication, leadership, and other skills. However, picking a camp in New York is not easy because of the large number of them available. You may find it difficult to know how to pick a residential summer camp in New York.


Before you pick a summer camp in New York, you need to ensure that you agree with the summer camp mission or philosophy. Ensure that what the things that the camp will be teaching your children are things that are in line with what you would want them to learn. The perfect camp is one that not only gives children an awesome summer, but is also constantly teaching them.


Another important criterion that parents need to decide when they are selecting a camp is the summer camp tuition. Some camps can be very expensive and offer plenty of luxurious summer camp facilities, but might be out of your reach. By using this criterion, you will be able to narrow down the list of camps. And remember, just because a camp is expensive doesn’t mean it’s the best! You can’t base how great a summer camp is just on how much it costs!

Age of Child

Before you select a summer camp in New York, keep in mind the age of the child and ensure that they are ready to spend a week or longer away from you. Some children are ready for summer away from home when they are nine, others may feel more ready when they are a little bit older. As such there are camps that are meant for younger children and others that are for older children and teenagers. When you are looking for a sleep away camp, find out the age group of the children they cater to.

Communication with Parents

When you are sending your child to a summer camp near New York you need to ensure that you will be kept informed about any important issues. You need to find out how the camp will communicate with parents both about routine events and emergencies.

The summer camp should offer your child more than camp fires and marshmallows. The camp should offer a range of summer camp activities. Some of which your child is already interested in and some that you would like your child to develop an interest in or that they might be interested in starting. For instance, a camp that offers children a chance to learn and experiment with music while also introducing them to photography or nature would ensure that a child interested in music enjoys the camp even as they learn a bit more about the outdoors and/or photography. Camps should also have proper safety and emergency routines in place. Make sure that the camp you select has summer camp counselors and a camp director trained in safety procedures. The camp should also have emergency medical facilities. Additionally, the camp should have staff trained to identify and prevent instances of bullying, abuse, and sexual abuse of children by counselors and other children.

Camp Kinder Ring, the best residential summer camp in New York, located in Hopewell Junction, is where every child feels cared for and nurtured while they learn valuable life lessons and have fun. To schedule a tour of the camp or for more information contact us at (845)-221-2771.