The Perfect Age for Summer Camp

Summer is almost over, which means summer camps everywhere will be wrapping up and closing down until next summer! At Camp Kinder Ring, we are sad to see summer come to an end! But deciding whether or not your son or daughter is ready to attend summer camp can be a big decision. Unfortunately, there is no “perfect age” for deciding if your child is ready. But, there are a few questions you can ask yourself to ultimately decide if your child will be ready to attend summer camp near Massachusetts.

Has your son or daughter ever brought up the idea of summer camp or seemed interested in it? If your son or daughter has any friends that attend summer camp, it is extremely likely that they will bring up the idea to you. If they seem interested in attending summer camp, go on a tour. This will give them a chance to walk around the campgrounds, see the summer camp facilities, and see what the summer camp has to offer.

Has your child ever experienced any separation anxiety or trouble leaving home? Separation anxiety is inevitable, but if your son or daughter experiences this often, they may not be ready to go away for the summer. If you notice that your child doesn’t really have a problem leaving home, this is a good sign that they will be prepared for summer camp. If you are still unsure, do a practice weekend away from home. Send your son or daughter to a family member or friends house for the weekend to see how they react. Have them try out some summer camp activities that they might participate in, and possibly follow a summer camp schedule.

If you are still not sure if your son or daughter is ready for summer camp, call the camp. Speak with the director or a member of the summer camp staff and ask if they have any advice. Ultimately, only you can decide if your son or daughter is ready, but consider these questions when deciding!

If you know your child is ready for summer camp, call the best summer camp near Massachusetts, Camp Kinder Ring for more information or to schedule a tour at 845-221-2771!