Residential Summer Camp in New York

There are so many reasons why summer camp is a good thing for kids. Kids spend too much time on the internet, playing video games or watching TV, and it results in them experiencing less time engaging in actual conversations or participating in physical activity during the year. We know its hard for them to get out of the house and out of your hair in the winter, but in the summer its all about fun! Summer camp at Camp Kinder Ring is a place to experience new things, step out of your comfort zone, and to make new friends! It’s become even more important for parents to provide opportunities for their children so they can get outside in nature, challenge themselves and bond with other kids in a setting that is safe and that emphasizes support. Here’s some reasons summer camp is a good thing, and why going to a residential summer camp in New York can benefit your child:

-Summer camp provides unplugged time with fun recreational games and activities in a safe and encouraging environment!

-Camp is where your child will be experiencing and learning to appreciate nature and the outdoors, not just the technology they’re used to. When you were kids, nobody had smart phones or video games, everyone played outside. They interacted face to face, not just through technology. Its time for your child to experience the same thing!

-Summer camp is where kids have the chance to work together side by side, supporting and being supported by peers. There aren’t many opportunities in life where kids can experience extended amounts of time together, create and build special bonds or feelings of independence and confidence.

-Summer camp provides the opportunity for meaningful time spent with positive young adult role models. Our counselors provide friendship, guidance, encouragement and support, and are a great example for young campers.

-Most importantly, kids discover their true worth and potential, gain confidence through positive friendships, gain new life skills, and grow passions. This is reinforced every summer at camp and becomes part of who they are. It allows them to grow and become a better person little by little.

We at Camp Kinder Ring hope to see your child this summer! Contact us at 845-221-2771 if you’d like to find out more about our residential summer camp in New York. But most importantly, don’t let your child miss the opportunity to make friends for life. Send them to a camp that fits their needs the best.