Message from Irene

Hi Girls!!   Looking forward to a great summer together!

Hi Guys!!!  Can’t wait to see all of you!!

Hi All!! Only a few days till we start 2012 summer together.  We have so much in store for you!! Can’t wait!!



It’s been a wonderful first few days for everyone.  Campers are having a blast and adjusting so well to our special community.  The weather has been great and all activities are happening.  Lacrosse has been a big hit and mountain biking is gaining popularity.  The new teeter totter in the lake has been enjoyed by many.  The teen trip is already out and we begin some intercamps this week.  Boy’s side started their KR Konference which I am sure you will be hearing about.  Girls side will begin theirs soon.  Our first year campers are adjusting quite well and I’ve been impressed with how they have fitted right into the routine.  It’s great to spend my day watching all these smiling faces and I consider myself very lucky to be here with your children!!