Working at a Summer Camp

Have you wondered if working at a summer camp is right for you? First, go over some of the benefits that summer camp jobs provide. Then, you’ll have the answer to the question, “Should I work at a summer camp?” And not to spoil it, but for most people, the answer is, “Yes.”

Spend Your Summer in the Great Outdoors at a Summer Camp

Instead of spending another summer inside, you’ll immerse yourself in the great outdoors while working at a summer camp. You’ll technically be working, but you can still enjoy the majestic scenery and numerous outdoor activities. With access to nature, work at a camp feels more like play.

Plus, this will allow you to stay active through the summer. You won’t have to worry about spending your summer on a sofa. Instead, you’ll be engaging in sports and other activities alongside the campers. With so many things to do, you might end up in the best shape on the last day of work.

Enjoy a Profitable Summer By Working at a Summer Camp

You can reduce your expenses and bank some money when working at a summer camp. First, most camps cover room and board, so you won’t have to spend money on housing and food. Then, you’ll receive a paycheck for your hard work, so you can come out of the summer way ahead when you take a job at a camp.

Some counselors take their paychecks and extend the summer fun by going on vacation once camp is over. Then, others save the money or use it for their education. No matter what you want to do, you’ll love the extra cash you’ll earn at camp. It’ll be the most fun you’ve ever had making money.

Become a Leader By Taking a Job at Summer Camp

Developing leadership skills is important to succeed in the working world. While you might think that people are born with these skills, they actually have to learn and practice them. Fortunately, you can do both while working at a summer camp.

You’ll essentially be a youth development professional during the summer. That means you’ll have to do things like coordinating with the staff, setting schedules, ensuring the safety of the campers, and so much more. You’ll also be tasked with conflict resolution during your time at camp.

These skills are all needed to become a good leader. That’s one reason why so many employers like it when applicants have camp jobs on their resumes. Then, employers know that the applicants are likely good leaders.

Make a Difference in a Kid’s Life at Camp

When you work at a camp over the summer, you can make a huge difference in the campers’ lives. In fact, campers often look up to counselors and think of them as mentors. Because the boys are at impressionable ages, you can help guide and mold them into the young men they want to become.

You’ll love the way that you feel after having such an impact on kids’ lives. Plus, you’ll enjoy the feeling that comes with being viewed as a hero by so many campers.

Work Is Fun Every Day of the Week at Overnight Camp

Have you ever suffered the “Monday Blues” at work? It’s normal to dread the start of the week at a standard 9-to-5 job. Fortunately, summer camp is anything but standard. You get to enjoy fun activities, fresh air, and sunshine every day of the week. That means you’ll be excited each morning when you wake up. In fact, you might even find yourself waking up a bit earlier when working at a summer camp.

Develop Your Critical Thinking Skills at Camp

While education is important, nothing can develop critical thinking skills like real-world experience. You’ll find that experience when working at camp.

Camp life is surprisingly unpredictable. Something as small as bad weather can disrupt plans, so you’ll learn how to think on your feet and solve problems. By using your critical thinking skills throughout your time at camp, you’ll develop and fine-tune them. Then, you can use those same skills out in the real world.

Enjoy a Chance to Get Silly at Camp in New York

Now that you’re a little older, your chances to cut loose and act silly are few and far between. You’re usually expected to be serious, but that’s not the case at camp. In fact, counselors are often encouraged to act silly around the other campers. It facilitates a fun environment where kids thrive, so get ready to laugh all summer.

Become More Positive at Summer Camp in NY

When you work at a New York summer camp, you’re in charge of setting the tone for the campers. You want that tone to be bright and happy, so positivity is a must. For instance, if everyone has to stay inside because it’s raining, you’ll need to remain positive so the kids can still have fun.

You’ll discover that practicing this at camp will help you build the skill. Then, you can be more positive in your everyday life, too. That, in turn, can help you thrive personally and professionally.

Spend the Summer Making Friends at Summer Camp

If you have ever attended summer camp, you know that campers tend to walk away with tons of new friends from around the country. What you might not realize is the same is true when you work at a summer camp. You’ll meet other staff members from around the world and can form lifelong bonds. If you want to expand your friend group, a job at camp is a good first step.

How Do You Get a Job Working at a Summer Camp?

Are you interested in getting a job at a camp this summer? Camp Kinder Ring in Hopewell Junction, New York, is currently accepting applications. You can apply to work at our New York summer camp online or call us at (845) 221-2771.