Traditional Summer Camps in New York

Summer camps are like ice cream. They come in an assortment of flavors, including traditional summer camps. Traditional summer camps in New York provide experiences that you can’t find at other camps. Let’s dive in, so you’ll see why a traditional camp is the way to go.

Traditional Summer Camps in New York Are Coed

While some sleepaway camps are gender-specific, that’s not the case with traditional summer camps. A coed camp will teach your kids how to interact in the real world. It will also expose them to different activities and experiences and teach them how to be comfortable with boys and girls. Plus, traditional camps are ideal for parents who have sons and daughters. You can send your kids to the same camp when you choose a traditional option. These are just some of the benefits that coed summer camps offer.

Traditional Camps Are Overnight

When you send your kids to one of the traditional summer camps in New York, they’ll stay overnight. Overnight camps provide more opportunities than day camps do. The extra time away teaches kids how to become independent, allows them to reinvent themselves, and gives them the chance to form deep connections. They can also learn some new skills and become more responsible. Sleepaway camp even gives parents and kids a much-needed break. The time apart can do the entire family some good.

Traditional Summer Camps in New York Focus on Traditions

Traditional summer camps in NY are known for having traditions. These traditions make camp life even more fun and exciting. Kids feel like they are part of something, and that makes camp even more special.

Send Your Kids to the Top Traditional Summer Camp

Camp Kinder Ring is a traditional summer camp in Hopewell Junction, New York. The coed summer camp offers an abundance of activities, has lots of traditions, and kids stay overnight. That means they will make some friends for life while becoming more independent. Call (845) 221-2771 to book a spot for your kids.