2021 Summer Camps

Many families stayed at home during 2020, waiting for the pandemic to end. Fortunately, 2021 promises to be a much different year. Because of that, many people expect 2021 summer camps to fill up quickly. Book a spot early, so your child doesn’t miss out on the summer camp experience.

Are you still unsure if summer camp is right for your child? Find out why summer camp is essential.

Find and Develop Interests at One of the 2021 Summer Camps

Your child might participate in some after-school activities, but he or she likely doesn’t get the chance to explore lots of different interests. That’s where 2021 summer camps can help. Your child can fill his or her day with exciting camp activities. Your child can try archery, beach volleyball, rock climbing, and other activities that aren’t readily available in most settings. By trying different activities, your child will get to find new interests and then develop skills. Your son or daughter might even find a new passion at summer camp.

Develop New Friendships

Kids spent a lot of time in social isolation in 2020. You might be worried about where your child’s friendships stand. Fortunately, your son or daughter can make new friends and form strong bonds at one of the 2021 summer camps. This is especially true when you send your child to a Jewish summer camp. It’s easy to form strong bonds when learning about Jewish values and cultural heritage.

Help Your Child Become Strong and Independent

While friendships are important, you also want your child to become strong and independent. That’s one of the goals of the various 2021 summer camps. Kids are taught how to make good decisions, even when they are away from their parents. They also learn how to challenge themselves, which adds to their strength and independence.

Reserve a Spot at Summer Camp

Camp Kinder Ring is located in Hopewell Junction, New York, and has been serving the community since 1927. The Jewish summer camp is full of activities for kids and helps them learn about their Jewish cultural heritage and values. Help your child have the summer of a lifetime by enrolling him or her at Camp Kinder Ring. Call 845-221-2771 to reserve a spot.