5 Lasting Benefits of Summer Camp

You know that summer camp is fun, but did you know it has lasting benefits? The lasting benefits of summer camp will stick with your kids for the rest of their lives. Go over the top five lasting benefits of summer camp and enroll your child today.

1. Gain Independence

Before kids go off to summer camp, they spend most of their time with their parents. Sure, they might spend the night with friends, but most nights are at home, under the watchful eye of their parents. Summer camp helps kids build a sense of independence that prepares them for the real world. This helps kids as they transition to college and careers. This is one of the most important lasting benefits of summer camp.

2. Learn Resilience

Resilience is also one of the lasting benefits of summer camp. Kids learn how to overcome challenges in summer camp. They discover that failing the first time isn’t the end of the world. Their camp leaders teach them how to overcome adversity to achieve their goals. This also carries over into adulthood.

3. Develop Social Skills

The development of social skills is another of the lasting benefits of summer camp. Your children will interact with other kids from various parts of the state or even the country. They will discover the socially acceptable way to interact with others. These newfound social skills will help them when they leave the nest.

4. Build Lifelong Friendships

As children learn social skills, they will also build friendships. Friends from summer camp often turn into lifelong friends. This is one of the top lasting benefits of summer camp because it helps people enter adulthood with lots of friends who will help them along the way.

5. Learn Jewish Customs and Traditions

If you are Jewish, this is the most important of the lasting benefits of summer camp. Jewish summer camp is an excellent way for your children to learn customs and traditions while also adopting Jewish values. Your children will take what they learn at camp and use it in adulthood.

Let Your Children Enjoy the Lasting Benefits of Summer Camp

The lasting benefits of summer camp make this the right choice for your children. Camp Kinder Ring is a Jewish summer camp located in Hopewell Junction, New York. Contact Camp Kinder Ring by calling (845) 221-2771 to reserve your kids’ spots for the summer.