Traditional Jewish Camp near Massachusetts

Summer 2016 is officially 18 days away, and camp is only 5 days after that! While we get your summer paradise up and ready for the coming season, you might want to begin thinking about if Camp Kinder Ring of Hopewell Junction, NY is right for you. Summer is a time where kids get to have a break, they get to have fun outdoors, be adventurous and hangout with their friends! After a long cold winter, we couldn’t think of anything more exciting then our traditional jewish summer camp near Massachusetts!

Kinder Ring is the perfect combination of everything we love about summer. Caring campers, gorgeous grounds, and awesome activities are just a few things you can expect to see when you enter through our gates. With a wide range of sports such as gaga, volleyball, dance, and soccer, there is never a dull moment in CKR. We also offer activities that are not centered on athletics such as arts and crafts, cooking, and our ropes course/ adventure center. Of course, we can’t forget about the waterfront! We offer many lake front activities on our own Sylvan Lake, in addition to the pool. Believe it or not, these are just a sneak peak at the fun to be had!

All of these activities are just the beginning. Kinder Ring offers something much deeper than just fun in the sun. Our Jewish Culture program teaches campers important Jewish stories while integrating fun yiddish songs and israeli dances. Campers will learn the basic values that guide our religion, and will come away from the summer more in tune with their culture. Every Friday night we celebrate “Shtiller” by gathering around the flagpole for discussion and song in our whites, and eating a traditional Shabbas meal in the dining room. These moments bring our campers together with a feeling of Jewish Community, and help them to understand how Jewish traditions can be a fun part of the week.

Kinder Ring, a traditional jewish camp near Massachusetts, is the perfect combination of activities, friendship, and Jewish spirit. Look no further than CKR for the best option for your coming summer!


Packing for Sleepaway Camp near New Jersey

We are officially less than 39 days until the first day of summer camp! Here at Camp Kinder Ring, we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of campers to start the best summer ever! But before we get to drop off day, lets talk about packing. Yes, one of the most stressful parts about summer camp. But don’t worry; we have some tips to help packing for sleepaway camp near New Jersey a lot easier.

  • List- Ask the summer camp if they have a suggested summer camp packing list. This will have all of the things that the summer camp thinks is necessary to bring to summer camp, which is definitely the best source. If they don’t have a list, then search online for one. Another good idea is to ask other experienced families what they recommend packing for summer camp.
  • Labels- Label every single thing that gets sent to summer camp with your son or daughter. Invest in a laundry marker and some waterproof labels and write your child’s name everywhere. Things get lost and borrowed at summer camp but labels will hopefully bring everything back to your son or daughter.
  • Trunks- Invest in a strong and highly recommended trunk. Your child will likely be living out of this trunk the entire summer so invest in a good one that will last a long time.
  • Camp Clothes- Some summer camps ask that children wear camp clothing on certain days. Even if they don’t, who doesn’t want some cool clothes with their camp’s name on it? Check out Camp Kinder Ring’s camp storeonline!
  • Home- Don’t forget to pack some reminders of home. Some pictures, a stuffed animal, a blanket, anything that will remind your son or daughter of home. This will especially help with the common homesickness at sleepaway camp. Also pack some stationary, pens, envelopes, and stamps for your children to write letter to family and friends back home. Don’t forget to stay in contact at summer camp!
  • Cell Phones- Electronics usually aren’t allowed at summer camp. They aren’t even necessary because of all the fun and time spent participating in summer camp activities that Camp Kinder Ring offers. So leave it at home and enjoy the great outdoors and new friends!

Now, hopefully those tips helped a little bit. We can’t wait for summer camp to begin in a few short weeks! Contact Camp Kinder Ring for the best sleepaway camp near New Jersey at (845)-221-2771 for more information or to schedule a tour!

Best Residential Camp near Florida

According to the American Camp Association the top five activities at summer camp are swimming, arts & crafts, challenge courses, archery and water programs? Well, at Camp Kinder Ring, we offer all of these programs and way more your child to indulge in! You’ve probably been researching summer camps for hours upon hours, which can be a tedious yet frustrating process. Well, we want to end your stress by telling you to look no further; Camp Kinder Ring is the best residential camp near Florida!

Now, you’re probably wondering what makes us the best. Well for starters, we offer a unique variety of residential camp activities for our campers to choose from. Each camper will have an opportunity to choose an activity for one period each week where they can either stick with something they are comfortable with or learn something new! We will also create an age-appropriate schedule of weekly activities for each camper. Some of our residential camp activities include, team sports, cultural arts, individual sports, water activities, performing arts, arts & crafts, adventure courses and more! In addition, we offer special events and trips throughout the summer that campers can choose to take part in.

Our residential camp staff is constantly being trained throughout the summer and supervises every program. At Camp Kinder Ring, we have a low camper to staff ratio, which creates a very safe and attentive environment for our campers. Our residential camp staff aims to nurture, teach, comfort and guide our campers while giving them the best summer ever! Our residential camp director, Dr. Marc Rauch, attended Camp Kinder Ring himself and wants to show campers why our camp is “The Shining Star in the World of Camping!”

Now, if you’re ready to attend the best residential camp near Florida, contact Camp Kinder Ring at 845-221-2771 for more information or to schedule a tour today!

Coed Summer Camp in New York

When it comes to sending your child to a coed summer camp in New York, are you still unsure about it? Well, we’ve compiled a list of 5 great reasons to send your son or daughter to a residential camp in New York, like Camp Kinder Ring! And while it may seem too early to begin thinking about next summer, the earlier that you’ve made a decision, the less stressed you will be!

We would hate for your children to miss out on what could be one of the best experiences of their childhood! Although the best way to see all that Camp Kinder Ring has to offer is by visiting us and seeing our campgrounds and residential camp facilities, you can keep on reading to learn a few of the many benefits that come along with going to Camp Kinder Ring!

Here is a quick rundown of 5 reasons to send your child to sleep-away camp!

1   Build Self-Confidence: Camp can seem overwhelming, especially to first time, young, shy campers. But, summer camp is actually the best place for your child to come out of their shell and develop a new self-confidence. We create an encouraging and supportive environment in which your child will feel comfortable trying new residential camp activities!

2   To Learn Responsibility: At residential camp, children must learn to make decisions for themselves, such as what activities to participate in. Children also must learn to be responsible for keeping their cabin clean, and following a schedule of a typical day at residential camp. This learned responsibility carries over into their daily lives at home and in school as well.

3   Social Interactions: In today’s digital world, children are learning to communicate through a box…text messages, email, chat, etc. At summer camp, technology is removed, and children are able to gain the social skills needed to succeed later in life.

4   Lifelong Friendships: There are no other friends like summer camp friends. Residential camp allows your children to form bonds with children they may have never had a chance to meet. Through shared experiences and adventures, your camp friends become your extended family!

5   Unforgettable Memories: Every summer at Camp Kinder Ring we strive to create the most amazing camp experience for our campers. Camp is a place for growing, memories, friendships, experiences, and most importantly FUN!

If you have any questions about Camp Kinder Ring, the best coed summer camp in New York, or you would like to sign up for tour, or are ready to register feel free to give us a call! contactus at 

Summer Office: 335 Sylvan Lake Road, Hopewell Jct, NY 12533  Winter Office: 247 West 37th St., Fifth Floor, New York, NY 10018

 845-221-2771                                                                   845-221-2771 Ext 105


Tips for Choosing a Jewish Traditional Sleepaway Camp

For families all over the U.S, finding the perfect Jewish summer camp can be a stressful and time-consuming process. Where should you send your child? How far away from home is it? Do they offer anything that my child even likes? But here at Camp Kinder Ring, we are here to help you find the perfect Jewish traditional sleepaway camp for your children. Keep on reading for some tips on choosing the right camp for your son or daughter next summer!

  • Distance- When looking at Jewish summer camps, a lot of families find the perfect camp and then cross it off the lists because it’s too far. But you shouldn’t judge a camp just on its location. If you feel that the Jewish summer camp is right for your son or daughter, then go and visit. Take a tour of the Jewish summer camp facilities and campgrounds. It’s not like your son or daughter will have to travel back and forth to go home often, so distance shouldn’t necessarily play a key factor in your search.
  • Interests- One of the best ways to ensure that your son or daughter has a good time is by choosing a camp that offers activities he or she is interested in. There is a wide variety of Jewish summer camp activities for children to choose from at Camp Kinder Ring, and guaranteed to be something that they enjoy.
  • Price- Some of your options may seem out of reach due to their high price. But the earlier that you find the camp you are interested in, the more likely you are to qualify for discounts on the Jewish summer camp rates. There are often early bird, sibling, and referral discounts, so make sure to contact the camp and ask!

If you’re looking for the best Jewish traditional sleepaway camp, look no further than Camp Kinder Ring. Call us today at (845)-221-2771 for more information or to schedule a tour of our campgrounds!


What do Children Learn at Jewish Summer Camp near Connecticut?

Allowing your child to attend summer camp this year is one of the best decisions you can make for them. By attending summer camp, children learn a variety of lessons that will stay with them even when they leave at the end of the summer. At our jewish summer camp near Connecticut, children learn about themselves and the world around them while having endless hours of fun and excitement.

One of the best parts about going to summer camp is the supportive community. At Camp Kinder Ring, we have developed a sense of community by offering shared experiences that have created memories and lifelong relationships since we opened in 1927. We encourage teamwork, participation, and personal growth in our campers. Children can feel free to be themselves and not be judged or made fun of by their fellow campers. We are proud to have created a safe and supportive summer camp community where everyone can be comfortable and have fun.

Children will learn and grow everyday at summer camp. From the second that children are dropped off at Camp Kinder Ring, they learn to be independent and take care of themselves. On a typical day at summer camp, children will get to participate in a variety of summer camp activities. They will learn new tricks and skills from our talented and trained summer camp staff. Children will leave at the end of the summer with new talents and interests.

Another great thing about summer camp is that it gives children an opportunity to reconnect with nature. This day in age, children don’t appreciate the outdoors and everything it has to offer. Through a variety of activities and adventures at our summer camp facilities, children will learn how valuable time in nature is. Children will learn life lessons and about themselves in a way that won’t be achieved anywhere else other than summer camp.

Still looking for the perfect summer camp near Connecticut for your child? Look no further than Camp Kinder Ring, the best jewish summer camp near Connecticut for boys and girls ages 7-16. Call us today at (845)-221-2771 for more information or to schedule a tour!

Summer Camp in the Hudson Valley

For most kids, an experience at summer camp is not only fun, but teaches valuable leadership skills and offers opportunities not found anywhere else. Many camps, like Camp Kinder Ring, have group activities for kids that require effort from everyone. Kids at summer camp learn that it can take one person to bring an entire group of people to success.

Leadership is a quality that is missing in many of today’s youth, and a positive summer camp experience can teach children the important leadership skills they lack! Colleges today are looking for students who get involved in extra-curricular activities and go the extra mile with anything and everything. The same goes for the business world; but unfortunately, many of today’s children are not demonstrating the strong leadership skills that their future professors and employers will be looking for!

Our summer camp program gives children the chance to test their abilities while surrounded by their peers in a comforting and supportive environment. This helps campers build confidence – and a child with a healthy sense of self-esteem can take on a leadership role without fearing judgement or failure. Confident children make wonderful adult leaders, and at summer camp, children are able to interact with their peers and take on new challenges without being graded on their effort like they are in school!

Summer camp encourages trial and error, learning from experience, and forces children to step out of their comfort zone and interact with their peers – all of this breeds STRONG LEADERSHIP skills! Leadership is one of those things that is hard to develop in normally passive children, but with the right encouragement and determination, any child can become a LEADER!

If you are searching for a summer camp in the Hudson Valley, NY, then Camp Kinder Ring is a great choice and one worth a look.

Camp Kinder Ring overnight summer camp for kids ages 7-16 is located in the Hudson Valley, NY and offers athletics, performing arts and Jewish cultural identity.

Camp Kinder Ring in Hopewell Junction, NY has 3, 4 or 7 week sessions. To find out more about this camp contact us at (845) 221-2771 and schedule a tour.

Getting Ready for Overnight Camp in New York

Summer camp is right around the corner which means packing for summer camp is even closer. The best way to ensure that your son or daughter will have a great summer is to send them to overnight camp in New York with everything they need packed up and ready to go. But how do you make sure that everything is going away to residential summer camp with them in New York? Check out these tips for some ideas on how to give your child the best overnight summer camp experience this year.

Make a list

Most camps will supply the camper and family with a list of what they believe is necessary to attend the camp. In addition, make sure to consider what your son or daughter needs or uses on a daily basis. This might include eyeglasses, medications, sunglasses, a reusable water bottle, etc. In reference to taking medication at summer camp, make sure you check the camp’s policy on how medications should be brought to and distributed at summer camp. There is often a system in place for the campers to receive their medication from the overnight camp’s nurse or doctor.

Packing Tips

  • Familiarize the child with what you are sending to camp with them. Possibly make a list so if they’re unsure if they brought something to summer camp, they can just check.
  • Find out how the camp handles money for trips and events. Some camps require the parent to put all the money on a debit card and send it to them a few weeks before camp begins to ensure your child won’t lose it.
  • See if your son or daughter needs equipment for a specific overnight camp activity.
  • Label everything! With every kid having similar items, labeling clothes and other items helps lost items get returned to your son or daughter.
  • Buy a shower caddy so that your child has every toiletry easily accessible and ready. Also consider shower shoes/flip flops.
  • If the camp allows your child to send mail, don’t forget the cards, stamps, and pens.
  • Pack reminders of home. Every camper experiences homesickness at some point but by bringing a stuffed animal, blanket, pictures, etc. your child will be able to power through it.
  • If the camp has a “no electronics” policy, make sure to honor it. Cell phones and other electronics are often not allowed at summer camps. These rules are in place for a reason and make sure your child honors that.
  • Pack plastic bags or a reusable waterproof bag for wet towels, bathing suits, etc. during trips or for carrying around during the day.

If you’re looking for the best overnight camp in New York, contact Camp Kinder Ring at (845)-221-2771 for more information or to schedule a tour.

Residential Summer Camp in New York

There are so many reasons why summer camp is a good thing for kids. Kids spend too much time on the internet, playing video games or watching TV, and it results in them experiencing less time engaging in actual conversations or participating in physical activity during the year. We know its hard for them to get out of the house and out of your hair in the winter, but in the summer its all about fun! Summer camp at Camp Kinder Ring is a place to experience new things, step out of your comfort zone, and to make new friends! It’s become even more important for parents to provide opportunities for their children so they can get outside in nature, challenge themselves and bond with other kids in a setting that is safe and that emphasizes support. Here’s some reasons summer camp is a good thing, and why going to a residential summer camp in New York can benefit your child:

-Summer camp provides unplugged time with fun recreational games and activities in a safe and encouraging environment!

-Camp is where your child will be experiencing and learning to appreciate nature and the outdoors, not just the technology they’re used to. When you were kids, nobody had smart phones or video games, everyone played outside. They interacted face to face, not just through technology. Its time for your child to experience the same thing!

-Summer camp is where kids have the chance to work together side by side, supporting and being supported by peers. There aren’t many opportunities in life where kids can experience extended amounts of time together, create and build special bonds or feelings of independence and confidence.

-Summer camp provides the opportunity for meaningful time spent with positive young adult role models. Our counselors provide friendship, guidance, encouragement and support, and are a great example for young campers.

-Most importantly, kids discover their true worth and potential, gain confidence through positive friendships, gain new life skills, and grow passions. This is reinforced every summer at camp and becomes part of who they are. It allows them to grow and become a better person little by little.

We at Camp Kinder Ring hope to see your child this summer! Contact us at 845-221-2771 if you’d like to find out more about our residential summer camp in New York. But most importantly, don’t let your child miss the opportunity to make friends for life. Send them to a camp that fits their needs the best.

Tips to Prepare Your Child for Co-Ed Sleepaway Camp in New York

Every year, millions of children attend one of the 12,000 summer camps in the United States. About 60% of these programs are sleepaway camps. While some children look forward to the time away from home, others may find it to be a scary, stressful experience.

For parents with children who will be attending sleepaway camp for the first time at Camp Kinder Ring in New York, here are some tips to ensure the child has a fun, exciting experience at co-ed sleepaway camp in New York.

  • Practice being away from home with sleepovers. Choose a relative or close friend and have your child sleepover at their house to get used to being away from their own bed for a night.
  • Visit summer camps. The fear of the not knowing anything about sleepaway camp is terrifying for first-time campers. Acquainting your children with a summer camp setting will assist in putting their minds at ease. Let them see what the sleepaway camp facilities look like and where important things such as the dining hall, bathrooms, and bunks are. Then choose the top three camps you feel comfortable sending your child to and allow your child to pick a camp from those three options. This helps them to feel involved in making their own choices, which will create a positive start to his or her camp experience.
  • Meet the camp director. The sleepaway camp director will often make or break a child’s first impression of the summer sleepaway camp experience. Introduce them to each other and allow them to talk before camp begins.
  • Offer reassurance. Even before you begin to pack up for camp, offer positive words of encouragement. DO NOT tell your child how much they will be missed back at home. Instead, keep the focus how much of a great time and all the fun memories he or she will make at sleepaway camp. Also, avoid calling your children at camp too often. This contact will interfere with their efforts to adjust to camp and possibly make he or she feel homesick.
  • Send letters and care packages. Write and send a letter before summer camp starts so there will be a letter waiting for them when they get to camp. Make sure to answer their letters and send care packages in a timely manner, so your child is not left waiting around while the other children get letters and packages.
  • Remember: this is meant to be a fun experience. You want your children to have an enjoyable experience filled with great memories at Camp Kinder Ring and with a positive attitude; they will have an amazing summer.

For more information on the best co-ed sleepaway camp in New York, Camp Kinder Ring, visit us or call (845)-221-2771.