New Campers

Our Lower Camp Divisions (ages 7 through 11) experience Kinder Ring with special attention to their introduction and adjustment to camping. There are experienced counselors assigned to work with them, adult supervisors, additional instructional time at all activities, and a lot of attention to the training of the staff working with these new campers.

Campers in this division spend the first few days getting acquainted and adjusted to being away from home. They are paired with buddies from the oldest divisions who become wonderful friends and mentors to them. These older, veteran campers spend time with their new  younger friends and help them feel part of the Kinder Ring family. This program is a success for both sides!

Some campers find themselves missing their family and friends the first few days of camp. This is something we are completely prepared to help them with. Our Head Counselors and caring support staff are trained and ready for these instances and are available 24 hours a day to provide nurturing care.

2019 Dates:

Full Season June 30 – August 18
First Session June 30 – July 27
Second Session July 28 – August 18
Visiting Day Sunday, July 28
KRJR August 2 – 4
Rookie Days July 7 and July 13


Once you have signed up for the summer, you will be invited to our pre-season New Camper BBQ held in May. Again, we find that children who are comfortable in the environment make a great adjustment to being away from home for the first time. You and your children will meet the staff, see the bunks, and take a comprehensive tour of Kinder Ring. Every effort is being made to assist in the adjustment to Kinder Ring.